
So you showed up at Nevada Smith's (which sometimes closes entry prior to 7.45 a.m. EPL matches) 10 minutes before kickoff of a Sunday evening, well-hyped game, and are complaining that other people know nothing. That makes sense.

Thanks. Always looking for new stuff to pick up. Been meaning to read Shawshank for awhile, but always distracted by something else.

Hell, never picked up a Stephen King novel b/c it just doesn't seem like my cuppa, and now I feel like I should..

Hah. For sure. Best fruit ever.

This is where we come to say soccer is stoopid, right? Bueller?

Fuck you, AG. Poor mistake, but good god "COSTED US THE THE TIE" is a bit much. On to the next one. Also, turnover is one word.

Sakho approves this message.

Rooney is overrated and should be coming off the bench.

I can't read these. Too much stupid.

Hah - nicely done.


Is there a way to collapse all "soccer is for pussies and divers" comments into a single comment thread that's buried at the bottom. It makes me not want to ever click on a deadspin soccer article.

Look at that f'ing mouth.

B/c they're sadists.

Hawks are the shit. There's one in my backyard / out the office window and watching it while smoking cigs is a pretty f'ing good way to clear the brain, though I feel sad when I see it kill chipmunks.

Hah. Also, cool.

One more for ya. Pretty sure about half the adults I know wouldn't be able to understand half of what's going on in HDM.

The McDonald's case also hinged on the fact that McDonald's purposely overheated the coffee well-past a safe temperature to create an aroma that would make people buy more. That's what led to the punitive damages.

will be wishing the socceroos good luck.

Now playing

Counterpoint? .... nah, but still cool, even if it was the bitters...