Styves Klein

A monopoly is when a company is effectively the sole supplier of a good or service. There is no real competition or viable substitutes for that good or service. This merger represents the conglomerization of the international economy, but AT&T is purchasing a company which largely operates in separate (albeit related)

Looks like the message actually went over YOUR head. I'm not sure how you could say that, in the context of the show's narrative, Butters is "correct." Aside from the obviously idiotic form Butters' protest takes, the show makes it painfully clear that the boys are resorting to the same sort of tribalism and prejudice

Yes, "racking" or "pulling" focus.

*long fart noise*

If you'll read slightly upthread you will see that OP did as a means to shoehorn their agenda into an interview with Jim Gaffigan, a somewhat-less-than-devout Catholic. And that's the crux of the issue: criticism of the Church is entirely valid; but, using that criticism as a cudgel with which to attack individual

You can certainly ask them that. But is saying that you won't allow yourself to find a Catholic funny a means to asking that question? I don't see it.

OP was maligning an individual, though. Holding Jim Gaffigan to account for the transgressions of the RC Church is asinine. One can be an adherent of a religion or ideology without categorically endorsing every tenet. And individually holding a billion rank-and-file Catholics (who are, by and large, simply searching

Yes, GeoGreg was straw-manning/reducing to the absurd, but it bugs me when people just point out the fallacy in an argument like that ends debate on a technicality. We all use rhetorical tricks and fallacy in our argumentation; can't we just acknowledge that and engage with some of this guy's more salient ideas? This

Undoubtedly this guy is a turd. However, you're really bastardizing his argument in a way that belies your own stereotyping. Black people have an identity outside of rap. Therefore, liking your rap music 'ignorant" is not the same as wanting all black people to be that way. Speaking to his comparison, one who likes