LOL, thats true, definitely is a subjective subject. I just find it distracting from the actual subject, even in cases where they are playing music I like. Maybe it is just the volume level.
LOL, thats true, definitely is a subjective subject. I just find it distracting from the actual subject, even in cases where they are playing music I like. Maybe it is just the volume level.
How do you KNOW they did not get paid for the work they were hired to do? And also, there are not "loopholes" in contracts. It is an agreement between 2 parties, they agreed to do certain work Activision agreed to pay them a certain amount of money...not just to do that work, but for their commitment to do that work…
Totally agree, now if they could just work their Hollywood magic and condense the Sylmarillion down into 2.5 hours, now THAT would be awesome.
I was told massage therapists, albeit not licensed, but do gaurantee a happy ending.
They really need to pass some sort of law banning crappy music in youtube videos.
I am going to go ahead and let the courts decide, based on facts and evidence sbumitted in trial under oath, what, if any, pay they are due.
Sure as heck looked to me at the beginning of the video like it was fairly controlled....not moving anywhere off of the spot it was on just spinning around. Stand back at a safe distance and watch it, if it starts to move and make a march towards the nearest daycare, then call in the military to shoot it with a TOW…
Tebow is not already in the Pro Football HOF? Outrage! Why not!?!?!
True, International is a different story...especially the Far East.
Wanna know what I think? I think ALL the portables are dead platforms walking, they just do not know it yet.
Ah man, I was going to totally troll this in reply....but heck its the Holiday season, I am scrapping that idea. You like the PC, you go for it and enjoy the PC as your platform of choice.
They said so themselves in their commentary....just leave it alone and wait until it runs out of gas. Would have been the smartest and safest way to deal with the situation...but no, these are construction workers so of course there is pride involved.
Well, the office worker did propose a solution that would have been safest to the workers. And, as a fellow cubicle dwelling office guy, it was the first thought that I had.
Especially when there may be and probably are a variety of different reasons for the apparent change different from the "info" given. As others have pointed out, the lighting of the photos and the effects of the climate / weather on complexion and skin condition.
Or that their skin looks more wrinkled and weathered after living for a year or more in the desert? Amazing...would never have thought it.
So Apple is going to "innovate" how we interact with our TVs by doing something Microsoft has already done?
Yeah, also, might make grenade spamming worse for games like HC domination...thank god for the trusty trophy system. Wish it could shoot down more than 2 though...3-5 shots would have been better I think.
Well, not sure if it counts as content...just adding / changing game modes.
And....those jets that are privately owned, there are NO tax breaks for them. If you disagree, please, feel free to correct me and let us all know exactly what the tax break/deduction/loophole is on a taxpayers personal return as it relates to an airplane that they may own.
Think about it...