
Maybe he got tired, I bet he is pretty old.

Good points, you definitely know far more than I do about the specifics. I was just kind of making the obvious point that while sworn to try and protect property as well, that does not extend to any taking any extraordinary risk of life in order to do so.

I see any game these days that features dedicated servers, EA or not, it is to the point that all of them you have to "give them that leeway". And then there are always the apoligists out there saying "cut them some slack, they had no way of knowing there would be this much traffic".

Sadly, given EA's history with this sort of thing, I am not surprised. Their servers / connections seem like they are ALWAYS screwed up for the first few days / weeks of a release.

Yeah, but kind of hard to tell if that was footage from when the fire was really, really burning like in the beginning or after they had gotten it under control.

Whats a profit loss?

For me, whether the multiplayer winds up being 200+ hours or only 2+ hours of my time, will depend a lot on how much the random other players are awful team-mates.

Me personally, I have enjoyed both the SP and Multiplayer of both games / series. I don't think I am alone. SP is good for 1, 2, maybe even 3 run through's for that 8-10 hour campaign. But then, for both games, multiplayer is what keeps the customer putting that game disc in multiple times a week to play over the

I guess with the texture mod/patch install and now this, EA basically is telling anyone thinking of getting their game that has a console without a HDD and is not connected to the internet....don't bother.

I agree with you, makes no sense to me how much EA has contributed to this whole "Us vs. COD" nonsense. Regardless of what tons of players will say, or scream, about whether one game is better than the other or not, and all the flaming fanboy wars....

This seems silly, obviously, when Jobs was CEO/President...Ives answered to Jobs and Jobs only. Now that Cook has the job, Ives answers to Cook.

Why would you care? Fanboy much?

Wait....again, did you not read the main point of my entire post?

Would you be rushing out to invest in U.S. Domestic expansion with an administration, Senate and the frantic ravings of the far left looking to put their figurative boots on your figurative neck?

"They pocketed the money and stuck with the status quo"

Ok, yes, your right on all accounts, so, again, what "protections" does this group wish to add for the borrower that cannot pay back the money they borrowed?

So, no concern whatsoever the inflationary impact on the cost of EVERYTHING would be as a result of, say, raising the minimum wage to $20 an hour? And if everything then costs more, because it costs more to make, service or provide (due to this windfall raise of yourse)....

Sooooooo reading the article, it sounds like our Washington, Republican Attorney General IS doing something about those particular cases, that in those cases where they were wrongly foreclosed on....he is pursuing an avenue of redress that does currently exist. Those banks are being sued by the State of Washington.

Just curious, on #7, just what exactly would this stricter foreclosure protection entail?

It reminds me sooooooo much of the WTO protests here in Seattle. Every day for a week I would be riding the bus to and from work in downtown, the bus was packed with kids, teens, college students that had absolutely ZERO clue what it was they were protesting.