
I am by no means a card carrying member of the Sierra Club. But, I think, in America, people are far more educated about this stuff than, say, 10 years ago. And that most people, like myself, make the effort to ensure their old TV or computer or other electronic device gets into the recycling "stream" rather than

Exactly...and don't forget they keep putting the same yellow stripes down the middle of the roads. Just a sorry excuse for unoriganality and lack of innovation!

What game out there does not have corners for campers to hide in?

Seems to work just fine on Live...

Bad Company 2 has a shitload of campers, but it being bigger maps the campers are in the form of snipers that go and sit in a bush....for the entire game, regardless of whats happening with the objective.

I agree...

Isnt that kind of like saying, oh well, we shop at Target so we really are pretty neutral / don't care if a bunch of anarchist's just shut down Costco?

Luckily this is not an issue for me as I have not logged into my PSN account in 3 or 4 months now. Heck, now that I think about it, I have not even turned my PS3 on in that amount of time either. Probably will stay that way till Uncharted 3 comes out.

Pretty sure they did not sell 40,000,000 copies of the PS3 version of Portal 2 last week.

Wonder if PSN is a Unix system?

Sounds great, would love to do that, except when one's son cant seem to muster up the effort to pass a high school english class and has had video game priviledges taken away for many months now.

Was being just a bit facetious...I am in full agreement with MrFluffyThing. I have both consoles, and the Sony controller is (for me) the biggest drawback to playing my PS3.

Plus, then what if the City turns around and pulls the sort of stuff Cities like that are famous for.... "Oh, yeah, ok, great, know what, we are going to have to go ahead and require you to restore the concrete bulkhead and iron railing as well."

Kills anyone who disagrees with them?

I'm in space! In space!

Exactly...was just going to say if the guy was pulled off of Broadway 15 years ago, I would not be putting much hope that he even remembers doing that, much less who for.

Hmmmm, looking good, I hope maybe they are making it a bit smaller.

Wow....angry much?

So, the super-poor people are super-poor because they are such good, noble people?

LOL, glad I read your post....I was just going to leave one!