
Exactly....I mean in the end, by that line of thinking, I guess that means Led Zeppelin had no original creativity themselves because they "stole" everything from John Lee Hooker?

Hmmm starch-based power that a reference to a celebratory beer now that they are out of beta and the game is released on time?

Sure, its nice, but in the end... which platform will they sell the most copies of their game on? Even having developed for the PC first?

PCs may have the "best" controller according to your standards, but you know... in the end, PC's do not even have a controller. Bottom line, they are still using periphereals that are there as input devices intended for a completely diffferent purpose than being a "controller". Now, sure, PC gamers have become VERY

Will be interesting to see (if the general public ever gets to see it) once BF3 releases what the breakdown is for the bottom line... Copies of the game sold for each platform.

What you talking about, clearly the guy in the picture in the striped pants is Al Gore...

Well then, a lot of people make some very compelling arguments they feel Sony for sure will overtake the 360 in worldwide install base in the next year or two.

It seems like the other 2 are not gonna be having new consoles until 2013 at the soonest.

Ok, so I just downloaded the update...went to launch it and...nothing. Frozen on title / loading screen.

No, of course they can't force them....but they sure as hell can motivate them.

It did? Really...did not know that, but still, one phone? And still 6 months after launch, no phones available for Verizon?

Don't know if Adel was maybe aware they were being recorded or not....but listening to it, he just might get off with no charges, maybe even not get fired. Sounds like he was telling them not to do it, and then telling the player not to be stupid and try to lie to cover it up.

Yeah, but I think their point is, May 25th is great, but the phone has been out for what, 6-7 months now?

Because, given the huge popularity of the of the first things they should be doing is finding whose ass to kiss at Rovio, and immediately get on their knees and pucker up.

What happened is, those stupid morons chose to launch their phone available only on T Mobile AND....AT&T, only the same carrier that has the iPhone that everybody and their mother already has or wants.

And again, of those 3 regions, where does the clear majority of the revenue and profit generated by the gaming industry come from? (hint: it is NOT Japan, at least not anymore)

But in the end, console sales don't matter. What matters is the numbers that they do not share with the public.

In North America, distant third, Europe/PAL tied. Japan is the only region where the PS3 has any sort of a lead, but imo, Japan as a video game market is fading fast in it's importance when measured by the bottom line. Game sales.

Does not matter to me, I own both. I will be enjoying Infamous 2 as well as uncharted 3 and a few other select titles.