
well to be fair, he simply produced it and only dared to direct the first episode (the weakest one)

yeah just like Uwe Boll right? no

there is no mystery that's why the trailers for the show haven't been good, the 'mystery' is given to you on a silver platter by like episode 4

by DVR maybe they're also including the 'on demand' ? if that's the case you're forced to watch the commercials

The trailers for the show didn't seem that enticing but after watching a few episodes, it's got me hooked! it's a fantastic show and it's not moving at a slow pace at all. I hope it gets a 2nd season it's one of the best shows on, especially during the summer, if not the best.

Nobody likes the comic nobody ever read the comic the only thing ever referred to was the movie, you're being disingenuous

Why does everyone like to diss the 80s movie? the only reason Howard the Duck is still talked about today and being revived is because of the 30 somethings who watched and loved Howard the Duck back in the 80's and who still have fond memories of Lea Thompson in sheer lingerie…that movie is a great kids movie and the