All good points - thank you for your post :)
All good points - thank you for your post :)
Funny how millennia of human history of male and female, even before the discovery of DNA, with X and Y chromosomes, is overturned in just a few years of political correctness activism and vilification of any dissension. A few years ago, this article would have gone without saying as self-evident.
You know why there aren’t hormones that are easily accessible? You’re a man. There’s no need for hormones, because you are what you are. That’s why. Cold hard truth. I’m not being rude either. A man should never be allowed in the bathroom with a girl publicly. If one went in with my little girl, I’d sue the hell out…
You do have rights. Every right that every man has. Those have never been taken from you. Lol
I am uneducated because frankly it doesn’t affect I’m genuinely curious...
I believe that he’s right though when it comes to kids. They need counseling, not some irreversible surgery. If they still want to go ahead with the procedure when they’re an adult, go right ahead.
Not all Liberals buy into this “transgender” nonsense.
I’ll go straight counter culture here, and say I’m sick of hearing about gender continuums and the like.
I agree with Clarkson - this transgender thing is getting out of hand. Children don’t have the state of mind to make the decision to have their genitals mutilated.
The irritating thing about transgender discussions is that there are way too many of them. We’re talking about a miniscule population taking up way too much bandwidth. Yes, they have rights but blah, blah, blah.
You know, I think everyone is getting all up in arms over something they shouldn’t. Clarkson’s core point was that a 10 year old may not know what he/she wants, and that parents maybe shouldn’t act on those 10 year olds’ dreams. He went about that point being as offensive as possible, but that’s how he is. Sure, I…
In fairness to Clarkson, a 10-year old is not emotionally or physically mature enough drink, smoke, have sex, get married, have a child, decide whether they continue to go to school, make rational decisions on how to express their emotions, or drive, but when one says, “I’m really a girl, despite my outward…
I didn’t mean that at all. I meant that just because you’ve chosen a tough path in an even tougher world, that doesn’t meant that everyone needs to champion your cause. As aforementioned, I personally have no stance, and just stay out of peoples personal stuff. The rest of the world is not like that though, and does…
Agreed, the intolerance of the tolerant. I have nothing against transgender people although I think it is weird I will not ridicule anyone for it. However I don’t need people screaming at me if I don’t LOVE it. That is the problem with the PC crowd, if anyone disagrees with the hardcores they feel they need to shout…
Its ridiculous to the point of being scary that political correctness has reached such levels where people demand that someone lose their entire livelihood (rich or poor) for having a different opinion. This is staggering.
Clarkson is correct and only a fool like Jason thinks transgendering kids is just fine. Heaven help the wench who marries this amorphic fool.
This is what lowered your opinion on Clarkson, a man who has made plenty of racist and bigoted remarks about lots of different cultures and people? His remarks are OK unless they are aimed at people you know, and then it’s personal? I don’t agree with many of the things he says or does, including this article, but I…
While, as a progressive European, I’m instinctively all for trans-rights, it does bring up an interesting conundrum, highlighted by a story about a white woman who had adopted a black identity in the UK. If you’re free to change your sex, does it not set a precedent for changing your ethnicity or, hell, even your…
At risk of being smacked yet again with the Jalopnik Banhammer, it’s worth noting that the Johns Hopkins’ head psychiatrist echoed similary beliefs a few months ago:
How is this any different than someone else writing a column for a newspaper expressing their opinion on the matter? I am glad he speaks his mind instead of following the herd like a sheep which exactly what many people are doing nowadays. Go ahead and call me a bigot, I know you will because that’s what this…