
I could definitely see them doing that for the next one. It just feels like it would fit in so well with his whole arc through the previous trilogy of trying to find where he fits in and how to best act the hero, only now he’s got to do it entirely by himself. He’s learned a lot, and he’s seen what “Peter Parker”(s)

The more I hear about The Hobbit trilogy the more amazing it seems that they turned out merely disappointing.

I know a lot of people seemed to get fed up that we never got a Spider-Man who was operating on his own, and he always had to be with or looking for a mentor, but I think it worked really well for the arc of the character - Tony was the first mentor, then Beck was Peter’s attempt to fill the void, and people thought

Yeah, he’d be a good ‘in’ to that side of the universe, as well as being a part of a slightly different area of it than Green Lantern or some of the other cosmic characters so we could get to see more of the fringes.

I’ve enjoyed Momoa as Aquaman, I haven’t enjoyed the things he’s been in as Aquaman, barring Peacemaker (“Fuck you, Barry”), but Lobo is just one of those pitch perfect casting ideas that seems so obvious it’s difficult to believe it hasn’t already happened.

It’s still a weird throwback to the rest of the DCEU to have Momoa play Aquaman. What will be really strange is if the film makes as much as the first one (still don’t know how it broke a billion...) and they want to keep him on, when it seems like Gunn would rather have him playing Lobo, which he should have been

Damn, yeah, I can see him as Blade actually. And great as Ali is, by the time we actually get to see him as Blade he’ll be in his 50's, which is older than you’d think they’d want to be starting a character’s journey at.

Oh man, I completely forgot about Blue Beetle! Yeah, I’m not quite sure what they’re thinking with that, but I guess if it’s successful there’s no reason it can’t be folded into the new DCU if it’s pretty much standalone.

Your daily reminder that the best Star Wars content since 1980 came out less than a year ago, and had her as exec producer.

Can we just get John David Washington in as Kang and be done with it? Then we can have Denzel as older variants and finally get him in the MCU too.

I really don’t think anything could be worse than the Flash finale, so I think we’re safe there.

I didn’t have high hopes for more Superman and Lois so that’s a pleasant surprise. And if they know it’s pretty likely to be the final season then they can write towards that and try and end strong.

And then there’s Aquaman 2. Which I don’t blame anyone for forgetting about.


If memory serves that’s from All-Star Superman (which Gunn is using as his jumping-off point) where Clark gives Lois powers for 24 hours for her birthday(?) I think. Been a while since I read it.

I do like that the trailer also doesn’t give any indication at all as to what the film is actually about. For the most part that’s a good thing, but I think the basic idea of “low budget filmmakers making a zombie film get attacked by real zombies” is enough of a hook to interest people without giving anything away.

Amazing. I haven’t seen it since it aired, so I can’t remember everything, but certain moments definitely stuck with me. And not for good reasons.

The only enjoyment I got whilst watching the finale was trying to figure out if it was worse than the Smallville finale. Still can’t quite decide.

I remember really not liking Cisco in season 1. He just felt like such a try-hard ‘nerd’ character written by people who have no idea about that sort of thing, but he really settled down and became one of my favourites on the show.

IntRAgalactic. All one galaxy. Unless we’re going to start talking about the Yuuzhan Vong.