
I was trying to figure out what the line of succession says now that Stannis (and Tommen, I guess) are dead. It gets very complicated and different people seem to have come to different conclusions, the consensus seems to be that it should either be a member of an obscure off-shoot branch of the Baratheon family,

I think my favourite line from the whole season was “She’s not looking at me, she wants your golden fingers up her twat”.

“Flash’s monkey nemesis”

That GoT RPG from a few years back actually did some quite interesting story things by the end.

TIE Fighter is the best game ever made.

That looks quite nifty, might have a think about that, thanks!

Dad’s got one. “Hey Dad, I’m sure you won’t mind if I stand in this corner of your study for the several hours it will take me to read these. I will probably burst out laughing periodically...”

That’s the situation I’ve been in too. I’m just a bit too young to have caught them in the paper, so I’ve only really seen bits and pieces online and in articles like this talking about how wonderful they are. That’s a good way of putting it too. My best mate has the full collection and he’s said there isn’t a person

I hadn’t heard that before, so it’s worth bearing in mind for when I inevitable crack and click ‘order’. Thank you!

It was close, but I’ve already blown my comic budget for a little while. It’ll have to go on the list for when I next get paid!

I like the idea of keeping the last strip from the paper! You’re right, the big hardback box set is just gorgeous. There’s a paperback version which is about £30 cheaper, but Amazon doesn’t want to give me a picture of it. I’d be surprised if it’s as nice as the hardback though.

I’ve never actually read that much of them, but what I have read (coupled to articles like this one) makes me think that I’d really enjoy the rest. And like you say, the complete collection is actually pretty good value, not to mention beautiful (a friend of mine has it and I gaze longingly at it whenever I visit!)

I was looking at the complete Calvin and Hobbes collection on Amazon just yesterday. I’m going to have to go back and click ‘add to basket’, aren’t I?

I hated the way Ellie would run around the clickers like a headless chicken. Really destroyed the immersion for me.

As a side issue, this highlights how ridiculous it is having a 10-point review scale and only really using the 7-9 section. 6.3 isn’t a ‘bad’ score at all, it’s significantly above the mid-point. The internet often seems to consider anything below an 8 to be an abomination though, whereas I’ve had a lot of fun with 6s

Whilst it may be easy to avoid entertainment sites for a few days, something as big as what happened in GoT last week can actually make it to the mainstream media - you don’t know where it might come from, and avoiding the net completely often isn’t an option anymore. Avoiding Facebook isn’t always ‘easy’ either - I’m

Anything to do with social media, which is quite a lot of people nowadays.

You know what I do when I want to talk to someone about something spoilery? I do it quietly or when the only person there is the one I’m talking to. It’s basic consideration.

Not all of us live in the States you know. When you wake up in the morning, casually check Facebook and see in the news sidebar the headline “Kit Harrington discusses Jon Snow reveal in latest Game of Thrones”, all of six hours after the episode airs, then there’s a serious lack of consideration being given. Then when

I class it like Star Wars - two distinct trilogies that have some character overlap.