
They dragged it out too long for me to think it was going to happen.

I know it's pointless arguing with you about this, but no one is knocking the show for being low brow. If it were a show about zombies it could be awesome. But it's not. It's a show about zombies that consistently tries to be a "character drama." And this makes it a soap opera with violence that seems gratuitous when

I'm waiting for Mean Girl now. Their battles are more entertaining than anything on this shitshow.

Ah. This comment takes me back. "Can we just get to Negan already?"

Um, he's like the tenth "that guy" here tonight, then.

But he wouldn't be as funny if the show didn't take him deadly, deadly seriously. There's no way we're intended to be laughing.

The hair change was so insulting, wasn't it?

About halfway through this episode I started seriously wondering why all of Negan's crew were standing around completely silently while he went on and on. If he looked terrifying I might believe it, but how can he in that tight little leather jacket? If his dialogue were menacing or even interesting I might believe

If by x10 you mean `10 times as boring and somehow managing to be even less menacing, then we are in agreement.

This is nitpicky, but it bothered me. When Kenny gets his laptop back from his sister a couple of things show him to be reasonably computer-savvy. He makes it clear that he understands the potential for viruses, at least. But to fix his computer he randomly searches "malware" and downloads the first link that comes

Reviewer, giving the girl the toy back wasn't innocent; it went with his lingering over the child's drawing on the table. He's only interested in children for one reason. He's sick. Trying to avoid the implication of those scenes is a way of trying to get out of having to empathize with a pedophile, which this episode

When I was a kid the term "pederast" was used for people who acted on these urges. "Pedophilia" was the attraction; "pederasty" was the action. I don't know why the distinction got dropped.

I don't think the ensuing "twist" makes up for this gratuitous nonsense, but I guess we'll find out.

I agree. And I don't get the connection with Trumpists. In my Facebook feed there is more of a connection between "geekdom" — science fiction, fantasy, comic books, etc — and this current wave of nostalgia than the show seems to realize. And all of my friends who participate in this nostalgia are straight-up Marxists.

I think side characters can be one-dimensional if they aren't side characters we've seen a million times before. I agree that this ep had great world-building but kind of a ho-hum plot that could have done with a twist or two.

And yet it was, literally, right underneath the highway.

You don't seem to know much about how women relate to each other. The mean girl/trodden-on friend dynamic is real and scars a lot of people for life!

This is an excellent review. I liked this episode, but I was expecting the twist to be something about Naomi's life not being what it appeared to be. I think this would have made the episode more complex and its message less trite. Because I think the message was a bit trite.

I have noticed that it gets mentioned a lot more, in reviews and comments and conversations, than I would have thought, considering how "meh" people seemed to feel about it at the time.

I'm trying really hard, but for me this show has all the earnestness and the reliance on broad tropes of the typical superhero show with almost none of the fun that makes those things bearable.