
I think the "control room" scenes are too cinematic and glossy. I preferred the contrast between the open spaces of the "set" and the cramped offices of the "real world" that the movie offered.

Randy says that everything sucks because everyone is fighting with everyone else, and then says that everything would be ok if everyone just thought the same way he does.

You sound exactly like Randy sounded in this episode.

Huh. Not seeing that on my end. I don't know much about computers, so I can't help you, but there are pretty helpful sites for computer problems on the internet. It's been nice talking to you.

I have the privilege everyone else has: the ability to press "Deactivate" on Facebook and come back to it once I've taken some time to reassess the impact social media is having on my life. You, on the other hand, have a tendency toward the kind of intemperate language that comes from spending too much of your day

Ignoring it is the only thing that does work. And yes, it can be ignored. A lot of commenters here should really try unplugging from social media for a few weeks. 99% of it is unnecessary drama and hysterics.

A child who would feel isolated if she weren't on social media is already isolated. If we are allowing our kids to get so dependent on social media that they have no actual social lives, then something is wrong with us.

I was so hoping no one would see that comment.


Was this episode hinting that Sheila is up to something, too? She had a small smile on her face like Gerald did at the meeting, and I thought she was acting just as anxious to get rid of him as he was to get rid of her in that scene in the hallway.

It doesn't seem to be having a good effect on Gerald, though. He may be happy when he goes grocery shopping, but he's getting detached from his family and staying up all night like an addict.

And yet it turned out to be the case.

Well there sure seems to be a lot of rigmarole attached to it, even on days when she's not hatching evil, mysterious plans.

There's a theory on reddit that the scene with Elliott and Tyrell actually takes place on day one of the missing three days from last season. The idea is that Elliott is lucid dreaming the past and the rest of the finale will be about filling us in on those three days. There's a lot of evidence for this theory that

How does South Park not respect Jenner's identity? She is called Caitlyn. She is presented unequivocally as a woman.

When I read a comment like this it makes me think of the hippie jam band people in the Hippie Digger episode covering their ears and saying "This music is so ANGRY."

We used to say things like the "moral brigade," didn't we? I think there's no acronymic name for idiot social conservatives because making fun of them is as old as civilization itself.

Chinatown has special schools? Sincerely asking.

6. Nuclear power plant accident that has somehow "produced" the show's two main characters.

Aw, I feel bad about my comment now. I posted it right before you posted this one.