
I think it all goes back to Sally being unable to face the fact that Robert was an SOB to his family. She tried to run away, and then she lied. The family's inability to be honest about anything with each other was the problem.

It wasn't about the initial coverup. It was about what happens when people are motivated by guilt. The relationships in this family were set in place before Sarah's death or Sally wouldn't have told the kids to lie about their father. Sally was covering up for Robert, Robert was "telling stories," and John was being

Danny wasn't looking for forgiveness. In a family where everyone tells lies to protect the feelings of everyone else "I forgive you" never rings true. The only truthful thing in that situation is punishment. That's what Danny was looking for. Sadly for his siblings' consciences they gave it to him.

It was the Rayburn siblings joining together to go after Danny that I couldn't buy. That was what made the show suddenly feel more like a contrived thriller than a character drama to me. I still liked it a lot though.

I didn't get a Lolita vibe — maybe more of a Cape Fear vibe — but I thought the Rayburn kids' reaction to being told not to see Danny was implausible. Teenagers are rebellious, ok, but unless there's some screwed-up family dynamic going on they aren't going to see some guy in his forties as "cool" if their parents are

When Stone turned the tv off after seeing the plaintive little kitten and then left the apartment to help a new client, I thought that was almost the only good thing the show did. Can't save them all, no matter how innocent and pleading they seem. You do what you can and you live with a certain amount of guilt. And

Yeah, but that guy's a "finance guy." Therefore he is bad.

I don't think you're allowed to ask a witness how someone else "felt" about something. I think that's considered hearsay unless you first ask if the person ever talked about this thing, and then ask what their words about this thing were. There was a lot of that kind of hearsay questioning going on here.

I also think there are Shakespearian references in Bloodline. The father's shifting the decision about letting Danny come back onto his kids made me think of King Lear.

I have no idea what the age gap between Kyle Chandler and Jacinda From The Real World is, but I felt in this episode as if John was talking to his daughter.

I think this is true, but that up to this point the show made one wonder if Danny's malevolence was something his family members were projecting onto him. Viewers were in the same boat as Danny's family members, whom Danny manipulates into thinking that they are guilty of projecting creepiness onto him. It's been

She altered the will and the dad signed it, I thought. Afterward she was trying to get him to change his mind.

Taking the money could potentially tie him to it, was what I thought. He wanted Kevin beaten and robbed, but he doesn't want to be connected with it in any way.

Yes, I do. He seems interested in trying to help everyone heal; handing the tapes just to Danny was only going to cause more division.

Phoenix had that same attitude toward the crowd when I saw them at the Tabernacle years ago. Astonished and thrilled that so many people in a place like Atlanta were so into them. The Tabernacle is great.

Robbie Robertson was pretty big here in the US in the late eighties.

I am not Canadian, but I am addicted to radio, and since discovering CBC Radio One a few years ago I have listened to it all the time. There's been something kind of cool about spending an entire summer hearing hourly news updates about the tour of a band I've never heard of.

Understandable, but after your kid sends not one but two other kids to the hospital, you don't think of him as a kid who wouldn't hurt a fly. Unless you're in denial. And Naz's parents aren't portrayed as idiots.

No, manslaughter would be ok by me. It doesn't have to be premeditated to be more than an accident, does it?

It was so on the nose that I thought the FBI was screwing with them after finding out about the hack in last week's episode.