
She tazed someone with a serious head wound in such a way that it made her fall into a large swimming pool. On purpose.

There was no need for the flashback in the cold open. It felt almost Walking Dead level to me.

The pilot was tropey as hell, though. Mystery beautiful woman playing knife games? Please.

I think if you go back and rewatch you'll change your mind about it starting well. It was hackneyed stuff from the start.

If it makes you feel any better, you don't have to be a lawyer to feel frustrated at the awfulness of the courtroom scenes. For me the complete disregard for court procedure, police procedure, jail rules, or any other kind of realism is a serious problem, not just a nerd's issue. People keep saying, "The show isn't

Also SO MUCH admission of hearsay with no objection.

I really don't think the cat is going to turn out to be a plot point in Naz's case. The cat represents Stone doing the right thing and really fighting for Naz. He doesn't really want to — he's allergic to cats. He can't completely commit to the cat, but he can't quite bring himself to condemn the cat to death either.

A "good boy" could accidentally put another kid in the hospital one time. But not twice. Naz's relationship with his parents is not realistically portrayed.

I think racist stereotypes are inherently lazy and, yes, negative.

Yeah, and it's still a stereotype.

I haven't liked her acting in these past two episodes. I think she overdoes the cool cop schtick. And the lollipop bugs the hell out of me.

But that security guy/goon/PA knows everything she knows, listens to her, and works with her. So she's not alone.

Many exceptions. Exhibit A: Lars von Trier.

Ha — All You Zombies?

That conversation with Darlene is really bugging me now. If Elliott got put in prison, why was she talking to him as if he was deliberately isolating himself?

She seemed to me to be saying that she suspected but thought she was "crazy" to have those suspicions.

I have to accept, in almost every show I watch, that TV Prison is an alternate world of its own whose rules don't have too much to do with Real Prison. I think Mr Robot's prison and FBI storylines are very "tv."

The only thing in illusion-world that doesn't jibe with this interpretation is Darlene saying "I can't believe you put yourself here," and just in general acting like Elliott has a say in his current situation. This leads me to think he turned himself in — but I have no idea what for.

Oh, Zardoz — I actually thought of you when Gloria Reuben asked Elliott, "Where do you think you are?" I thought, "That guy in the AV Club with the Z name is NOT going to like this."

Except didn't we all notice that? The three different suspects were identified and discussed in these comments pretty thoroughly. I don't think the misdirection worked.