
"Frivolous" is a good word for what is bugging me about Naz's characterization. Yes.

I was so busy being upset that Chandra looked disappointed because it wasn't Stone that I also didn't realize it was Dad.

What about the ancient Chinese medicine man coming up with the magic remedy?


It's not really a legit beef, though. No one can predict what's going to happen in the cutting room. An actor who thinks his performance is something a movie can't do without is an actor who is approaching his craft wrong.

I would have thought the first 20 minutes was brilliant, mind-bending, and edgy if Two Many Cooks hadn't already happened. But Two Many Cooks did already happen.

My guess is that Elliott only thinks he killed Tyrell. He thinks Mr Robot is protecting him from finding this out.

It's looking as if Whiterose didn't open up a bit to Dom because she was going to have her killed. It's looking as if, on the contrary, Whiterose spared Dom because of that bonding moment. I already thought the Dom/Whiterose scene was a little cheesy. I'm afraid the whole Dom subplot is going to come off as "too tv"

And didn't take the dog back. So why would he now?

The atmosphere is surreal enough to invite questioning. I guess we'll find out.

Or Elliott is in a self-imposed exile in a sanatorium of some kind. We don't really know.

Whether or not Whiterose was intending to kill Dom, I think we are supposed to think that Dom, with her perceptiveness and plucky honesty, charmed Whiterose into bonding with her as she has never before bonded with someone. Dom is a special person. I think sometimes it's ok to admit that a show did something a little

This is such a good observation about the lighting. It definitely contributes to the surrealness of everything which, I guess, is what's leading everyone to question everything that is happening. I'm fine with things that are slow-paced and heavily symbolic but I need a bit more of a key to the symbolism than the show

Why would the dog's owner bother to track down the dog after willingly giving it to Elliott? Alternatively, why wouldn't he bother to track it down last season if he wanted it back?

No, they didn't commit him. Darlene makes it clear that — wherever he is — he put himself there.

I think that if the prosecution was willing to put so much effort into framing Naz that way they would have put a little more effort into investigating the case before now.

That cat is working too hard at being a metaphor to be able to give any time to fussing.

No, the evidence was not dubious. It was just heavily obfuscated by Jonny Cochrane, who was aided by the stupidly patronizing tone the prosecuting attorneys took toward the jury.

This show has some edgy camera angles and lighting, but as far as the writing goes it's about half a step up from a network Movie of the Week.

Ray's login being "Caretaker" also supports the institution theory.