
She's always too over-the-top for me. She always comes across to me as the best actress in high school Drama Club.

Teens like those teens by the pool would have been cranking Van Halen or ZZ Top. American "popular" kids outside of NYC and LA would not have been listening to Modern English.

Yes, it was lazy. See also: the way the three boys name check "early eighties nerd things" in almost every sentence.

"Blossom always got sick on car rides"
"Yeah because she was shitfaced."

Shayla was totally fridged. That whole mini-arc was pretty hackneyed.

Mariana? Marina? Something like that. I was thinking about it during that scene.

Yeah. IIRC correctly there was some clumsy writing toward the end where it seemed Elliot knew what was going on and then that got walked back.

The biggest reveal for me wasn't the one about Tilly being the driver. It was when Dennis found that magazine in Chip's bathroom which showed that Chip knew who Topher was from the beginning.

A friend who realizes he's been turned into a codependent enabler? If Chip can't tell the basic truth about himself to Dennis, then Dennis can't help him.

I completely disagree about the redemption arc. The whole point of this episode was to show that Chip didn't get anything because he deserved it, because he has suffered. He gets everything he wants because he sets out to get it. I thought it was very cynical and quite clever.

I heard a long interview with Will Arnett where he talked about how Chip is a shallow, empty guy who comes across as profound to other people. I didn't get the impression he intended for Chip to come across as anything other than shitty. He may have overthought the role and written the whole thing in too nuanced a way

But Dan didn't do what he did to Pettigrew for reasons that had to with justice. He did it because of his obsession with Elena, and because Pettigrew compared himself to Dan. It was purely personal. I think the morality of this show was a total mess, especially as it pertained to Dan.

It was from his hand. It was supposed to show us how badly his hand was injured, or how long he'd been letting it bleed out there, or something.

A scene, a period, a sound and a perspective on all of it that have been done to death.

Was I the only one who seriously thought, when Erlich said "And THIS is the final product" and reached into his pocket after his epic speech, that he was going to pull out a disgusting handkerchief?

I've noticed the Cruising poster before. I think it's awesome.

It wouldn't have hurt to have brought this out. Her getting mad at the High Sparrow for branding Loras was not enough indication, to me, of what her scheme was for me to feel that the wildfire event showed the futility of it.

Biblical, is what it is.

To be fair, that would have been some pretty heavily forced exposition.

But if everything hadn't happened so slowly they wouldn't have had to teleport people at this point…ah, fuck it.