
Ugh, that makes perfect sense. My life would be so much easier if I could like Harry Potter.

I understand all this, but the thing is that if you don't have to pay attention to lengths of time and distance you can have characters do whatever you feel like. Coming up with plausible reasons for a character going from point A to point B may seem boring and pedantic but it's pretty much what "creating a plot"

I did not like the adorable moments with Sam at the front desk of the Library. His aw shucks grinning and shambling seemed more appropriate to a Judd Apatow movie. I hope they rein that stuff in.

Thanks for saying that about the music. I thought it was dreadful; piano is just completely out of place in the quasi-medieval atmosphere of this show.

Jaime's gonna have to kill her.

It made her story this season seem like a waste of time. I get that important characters must die for a show like this to have credibility but what was the point of her pretending to go along with the Sparrow, etc?

Yes. Loras was insignificant (on the show) at this point. Tommen was as annoying as Joffrey, just in a different way. I guess no one wanted to see Margaery killed; you've got me there.

Well, that explains the lack of concern for continuity between scenes.

The funereal piano tinkling and Victorian/Enya children's choir didn't give it away?

Everyone except Brienne, who seems to be stuck in the slowest timeline.

That is just laziness, then. They know that viewers think the timelines are concurrent; otherwise there would be much less momentum in each episode. It was totally jarring for me that everyone in Dorne seemed to know about the wildfyre event when Jaime didn't know about it at Walder Frey's.

There was SO MUCH time weirdness this episode.

I thought the piano was out of place and (sorry) a little cheesy.

The timeline was all over the place this episode. It felt like people were teleporting at times. And Dorne ravens must fly at warp speed?

Yeah, I thought that last scene was meant to imply the new world Alex inhabits. A big empty house with no parents in it and the threat of AIDS. I didn't think it was at all plausible character-wise that Edel would kill himself, but I don't understand the reviewer's thinking it was supposed to be some kind of ambiguous

Well I'm watching this a year later, but the Guardian has pretty decent episode recaps and a pretty decent comment section, too.

More important than the tech issues to me are the comedy issues. In previous seasons, the funny things characters did and said arose out of situations in each episode. This season, Dinesh, Guilfoyle, Gavin, and even Jared to a certain degree have been used to create the comedy in the scenes they are in. Dinesh and

I thought that was kind of the point of what was funny about Richard's explanations. He was explaining how it works, and people don't want to know that. They want to be told what buttons to click.

Myles, this was an excellent review. I appreciate how it got to the heart of what felt inadequate about this episode.

I identify him with "Fierce Creatures" too. Also with the Curb Your Enthusiasm episode where he was the boy magician. I've kept my eye on him since then. This is really sad.