
The lord of Winterfell is Warden of the North. That seems to mean something?

Missandei too.

Thanks. I also felt manipulated by that scene. A little lesbian wink-wink action, and eye-rolling about bad dads and suddenly she's awesome feminist Dany again?

He's going for ninja training in Braavos.

The only surprising thing in this episode was the lack of tits.

He's also a master manipulator. He's already got Sansa mistrusting Jon. I think people are giving Sansa way too much credit just because Jon acted like an emotional fool in this battle. It was Sansa who got him into the battle in the first place.

I'm sure Littlefinger isn't going to be demanding anything in return for his aid.

It was Sansa who was hell bent on attacking Ramsay NOW; has everyone forgotten that? The North didn't fall in line, as she expected them to. That was not Jon's fault.

That scene with Jon was terribly written. It was only there to justify her secrecy with Littlefinger. She had no advice.

No, I got a clear sense that we weren't supposed to feel very good about her sitting there next to Littlefinger. But they wanted us to get our cathartic moment with her and Ramsay so they are holding off on the consequences of her Littlefinger alliance till later.

Stannis was Father's Day too, as I recall.

That Lord of Light is such an asshole god I really wouldn't want to be any kind of incarnation of his.

He asked once or twice, but got interrupted. And then just, you know, forgot to get back to the question.

Dany already took Mereen by overwhelming, unstoppable force. I imagine Drogon could be taken in an alley skirmish if it served the plot.

It'll be the final scene, surely.

I get the impression Middleditch is bored with Richard's hissy fits. They just haven't seemed very well-acted to me this season, and I thought the one he had with Monica was kind of ridiculous — not in a funny way. Hopefully now that Erlich is back on board he'll have less of them?

I didn't think it was in character for Gilfoyle to ask for the jacket in the first place. It seemed forced.

I was thinking that if Gavin is going to "J-Hole" because he's fucked, then Action Jack must going there because he is too.

I noticed his sense of timing even on Big Love. And Albie was always skating on the edge of being a comic character, as a charismatic villain should be, IMO.

Ugh, I'm way behind and I don't know if anyone will even see this, but I've scrolled through most of the comments and haven't seen anyone mention this, so… My take on the final scene between Philip and Paige was that there was a distinct echo between that scene and the earlier one between Misha and his grandfather.