
I know this is a really minority opinion, but I think that, in a season that had so many balls in the air (bioweapons, Paige knowing about her parents, the Pastor Tim problem, Nina in the USSR, etc) it was a strange choice to spend so many episodes concentrating on Martha. Martha's story wasn't connected to the other

The Waif missed all the training sessions on fighting with plot armor.

I haven't read the books, but the show seems pretty ambiguous as to whether the Sparrow is a fanatic or a hypocrite. Same with the Faceless Men — do they have a consistent, if rather amoral, philosophy, or are they just magic assassins who cloak themselves in a bogus quasi-religious justification? We don't know.

The Mountain seems like he might be a bit of a liability if their plan involves speed.

I agree with you, but boy am I getting tired of stupid and/or inconsistent actions having to be explained by speculation as to what they may be setting up.

I thought the same thing, and then went back over in my mind and realized that the look Edmure gave Jaime when Jaime said "I don't care about your son" wasn't meant just to be a look of disgust and disdain (which was what I had thought), but was also meant to be a disgusted realization that Jaime was threatening his

More importantly, the woman Arya left the Faceless Men to prevent assassinating got … assassinated.

Yeah, my thoughts exactly. There has been absolutely nothing to indicate this about the High Sparrow. It would be terrible writing if they did this; totally soap opera plotting.

Yeah, ok, I'd buy that.

Don't say the "D" word.

If Cersei's rumor concerns dirt on the Sparrow, that is something that should have had the ground at least a little bit prepared for it before now. If it's wildfire, and she's going to burn the city down, then there seems to have been little point to the whole zombie Mountain thing. I haven't read the books but I have


We don't know why the High Septon was commanding her presence. He's not the most trustworthy guy. I don't see what else she could have done.

When a show starts resurrecting people and bringing people back who were left for dead, the show saddles itself with the burden of showing all deaths onscreen. Language doesn't cut it anymore when you start pulling stunts.

I can't sympathize with someone who has been through all that Jaime has been through and still has the emotions of a teenage boy. That is just bad character development.

Also balcony-fall (twice, I think?) and huge roll down fruit-market steps resistant.

The fight should have been something they didn't show on camera? Because that's what it was.

He was!

That would still negate the changes his character underwent before he went to Dorne.

Right. Exactly.