
They sped it up so fast they skipped the prosecution's case and went straight to the defense witnesses. That's a speedy justice system they have there in Hell's Kitchen.


Part of the rite of confession is the Act of Contrition. You have to say that you are "heartily sorry" for having sinned and you have to promise to "sin no more and avoid the near occasion of sin." And you have to at least sort of mean it in that moment. Otherwise the sacrament isn't valid.

Taking drugs isn't technically a sin. It can be considered a "near occasion of sin" if you know you will probable do sinful things while high that you wouldn't do otherwise, or if you know that falling back into addiction will turn you into a jerk.

I'm finding the "character arcs" to be too Whedonesque. There were hints of it last season, but this time around the relationships feel like carbon copies of Whedon relationships. 2/3rds of the way through the season the hero's gang has turned against him. Elektra is turning out to be a LOT like Faith. Etc.

My jaw physically dropped when I read that. I felt it open, and thought to myself, "Oh — that's what this feels like!"

Well THAT is where jesuitical reasoning comes in very handy.

Ok, but then why would he be working out?

Isn't that usually done at sentencing hearings though?

Ha ha, there was a huge fight about this in the comments last season, iirc.

"Samuel Johnson, who is known as one of England's greatest literary critics."

In the kitchen at the house that is not in Monte Carlo:
Elektra (waving her hand suggestively over Matt's crotch): "We'll have time for … other things."
Matt: "Like sex?"

I think we were supposed to believe she was slain by his lines to her at the bar. You know, the ones about how she's a bored rich girl who can't buy "the unexpected." She apparently never watched a movie in her life and had never heard that kind of opening gambit before.

She sounded Australian to me. Vaguely. It was a weird accent.

It's not enough to explain why Matt likes her, though. The flashbacks revealed plot, nothing more. They could have done more with better acting.

Bernthal wasn't in this episode.

That comes across in strokes that are way too broad. This show is having a problem this season balancing nuance with comic book heavy-handedness. Probably because there is less humor than there was last season.

Battybrain is wrong. You are right. It's nine days later — I hope you are still alive to feel the relief I am sure my comment must be bringing you. Sincerely yrs etc etc, Barber.

I think you are really wrong about this. I think that when you are criticizing a review the worst thing you can do is call the reviewer by his/her first name. It comes off as patronizing and disrespectful.

Agreed, and it's not just recklessness; it's selfishness. She's always running off half-cocked, leaving work unfinished or other people hanging, to pursue her own private sense of justice. And no other cases Matt and Foggy might take on are of interest to her. If they're not focused on her one little crusade then