
I will have to find and rewatch the last episodes of season one; I wish someone here could remember what I'm talking about. But I clearly remember her character being revealed to be not the naive person Mike thought she was, and there was a scene where she asked him for money or took money from him in a way that made

Even if this were a verbal medium like, say, a short story, the writer might say "Next to the hole where the gun was hidden was what looked like a miniature cemetery, with popsicle sticks for grave markers." And the reader would deduce from that sentence that this trip had happened over and over again. And it wouldn't

No. We can't. Words mean things, and that is not what metonymy means.

There was a definite reference to that oration, yes.

They did have that discussion. And you are right. She either had to come across as complicit or reveal to Howard and Chuck that Jimmy had outright lied to her about it. She wasn't going to do that.

I'm pretty sure Mike referred to Tuco as "our problem" when he handed Nacho his money back.

Every con is always the mark's fault, in the grifter's mind.

Because his daughter-in-law wants an expensive house.

That's because a good con has the feel of the truth. You've got it reversed.

I love Donna and respect her reviews, but it did take her until almost the end of season one to accept that Chuck's condition was not supposed to be actually caused by electricity.

If HHM was so anxious and nervous about getting Mesa Verde as a client, how was it ever plausible that Kim could take them on solo? And as her first client? I thought all of that was very shaky.

She's one of the wolves. She thinks Mike is a sheep.

She accepts what he offers her too easily. She never asks questions about how on earth he is getting the money to pay for it.

I can't remember clearly enough to quote directly but didn't it turn out last season that she was kind of exasperated that her husband wasn't on the take? In any case, it seems clear to me that she feels life and Mike owe her a piece of the good life now and she will do what it takes to get Mike to fund it for her.

She's a really good actress. She was great in Rome and in the one season of Luck. She's playing a dubious character here.

Watch again. She is always the one who finds a way to bring up the need for money.

Stacy showed herself to be a more savvy person than Mike thought she was last season. And it was subtle but she started manipulating him for money at the end of last season. Mike didn't realize it, but it was there for the viewer to see. When the thing happened with the "gunshots" Mike became aware of it.

She is scamming him. She started it last season.

"Was" (sob).

Nothing about that killer pathogen made any sense. I thought that whole situation was weak sauce. I realize reading the comments that I'm alone on this, but when even Gabriel turned out to be just fine I thought it was ridiculous.