
I would agree with this comment if Oleg's father hadn't ordered that Arkady send Oleg back to Russia last season. I think this is going to turn out to be a case of private interests getting in the way of public duties, in that Oleg will find out his dad will pull strings only for the things he personally wants. And

Her death can be about her and Oleg can still be affected by it. Those things don't have to be mutually exclusive.

I'm confused. Do you think they had Oleg in Russia trying to save Nina in the same episode that she was executed for no reason? That isn't how tv works.

It really isn't the way people talk. My mother lived in America for thirty years before she stopped meaning England when she said "home." I thought it was a bit jarringly obvious for this show. Also, if "home" meant something different in Russian, Oleg's dad wouldn't have reacted the way he did.

I was 13 in 83 and always heard it referred to as Epcot Center. "I'm going to Disney (just Disney) to see Epcot Center" was what I remember people saying. Maybe it's regional. (I was in Georgia). No one said "I'm going to Epcot" anywhere, though, I'm pretty sure.

Ok, before you lecture people on how to watch tv you should make sure you are using words like "germane" correctly.

He wouldn't have to say something so literal. Just something that metaphorically means "I'm going to kill you" rather than "I'm going to beat you up."

Yeah, Negan hasn't found out about Alexandria in all this time? He's not one of the great despots of time immemorial.

Everyone shared a touching moment with everyone.

It did not make a dramatic impact. I am enjoying venting my frustration with several other commenters here. Please stop telling people how they feel about the show. I know the writers are only in it for ratings. I know the ratings are high. The show still sucks. And this ending sucked because it did not make an impact.

I would say 99%.

Negan needed to come out of the RV and casually kill one of them right away, before his monologue really got going. That would have been the only way for him to have impacted viewers in a way that would have matched the hype. Instead, not only did he just start talking and walking around, but he let Glenn off the hook

If they own this region as much as they appear to, they should have known about Alexandria long before that happened. Nothing about this situation makes sense or is worth trying to defend logically.

You are the kind of guy who rants about ethics in video game journalism and SJWs, aren't you?

Well, I guess they are too busy satisfying the segment of their viewing audience that throws around the concept of "being butthurt" in online comment forums.

You have to admit the wording was odd. On a show like this, when a character pulls back from saying "you're dead" I'm not presuming the writers aren't giving themselves an out.

I think Rosita would be second on the cop-out list. We know absolutely nothing about her beyond that she was with Eugene and is now pissed off at him.

Well to be fair, Jesus could have given him a little more of a heads-up than he did.

It won't be leaked because they don't know who's dead yet. And they will hire everyone back for next year because they will spend the first half of the season leading up to telling us who died.

But don't the actors all say that they don't know who died?