
I was talking about last season. I'm not sure about this season — I think it's supposed to be unclear as yet.

When Kim had to get coffee for Chuck it really brought home to me that, at this point in the show at least, it takes as much moral compromise to move up "the right way" in the legal world as it takes to move up the Jimmy way.

It's absolutely a self-fulfilling prophecy. Chuck's distrust of Jimmy made him actively hold Jimmy back all the while telling Jimmy that that was "just how life is." He created the circumstances that made Jimmy feel as if he had to cheat in order to move up. This show is like a Greek tragedy in which family dynamics

In reality, Howard was tacitly doing Chuck's unspoken bidding — right?

Flat screen tvs can make it even more of a problem.

I agree with you, for what it's worth. I think the Jimmy montage you're talking about was the one where he was getting senior citizen clients? It did go on and on and there was controversy in the comments over that.

Mansplaining began as a term meaning what happens when a man assumes a woman doesn't have some kind of expertise just because she's a woman. Its definition spread to include when a man "explains" something that has to do with women to a woman. If Chuck had "explained" something about playing the violin to his

I wish they would move on to one of your suggestions.


? That aspect has been prominent since the beginning of Season 1. It was there in their first scene together. Uptight and aloof but also worried about Jimmy — at work. Lets her hair down with Jimmy at night. Over and over again.

I feel as if the Chuck storyline is done. They got across the effect that he has on Jimmy last season. They had Jimmy's big reveal about Chuck's true nature last season. Jimmy ended last season making a decision to do things his own way. And now here we are halfway through the next season and it's as if these things

I really like this show but I feel as if the relationships between Jimmy and Kim and Jimmy and Chuck keep retreading the same story paces over and over. It feels to me as if nothing has moved since last season.

She's lying. The show hinted around last season that she was milking Mike.

My geography is mythical and literary. It can be surprisingly accurate, considering, but this isn't one of those times, obvs.


Is it part of what used to be called the steppes? (And wouldn't it be more Central Asia?)

Yeah, she also liked Dennis Leary in Rescue Me. A profile is forming.

Stan saying his son had left some cologne and Henry could have it — I don't know. It's starting to seem like Chekov's bad cologne to me.

No, she's still super thin and gorgeous and all of those things. But there was one shot in particular where she was wearing what I'm remembering as a flannel shirt (?) and you could see it.

I was trying to work with "He is risen" but couldn't manage it.