
Except I was bracing myself for the garage light to click off like it did last week, so I wouldn't jump like I did last week.

So far, Elizabeth has seemed to respond to inner conflict by clamping down on herself even harder. I think she is cracking as much as Philip is; she just reacts to it differently.

She has fellowship partners.

This was joked about here last week, but now I'm thinking that bio stuff IS going to end up in Henry's cologne bottle somehow. That seemed a little forced, the interaction with Stan about it.

It would be more of a surprise if Henry told Stan his real crush. For Stan, and for Henry, who would find himself up against a garage wall.

Kerri Russell looked so pregnant in a couple of scenes I forgot myself and gasped when Elizabeth was smoking.

I was so disappointed that it seems they are turning her into a "good" character. Her Soviet Captivity storyline was only interesting to me because I thought she was being deceptive. I mean, deceptive in order to survive and get out.

Is Stan not working Oleg with that angle somehow, though? When Stan brought that up I wondered if that was what his boss meant by "This seems like a better way to work this Oleg guy than blackmail." Was I forgetting something that had already been discussed?

That song is long, but it isn't that long.

I would say more psychologically disabled, and not the kind you just snap out of. The most notable difference for me was in the way he referred to Betsy. Last season it was clear there was something … weird … about that. In this season it was like a guy talking about his wife. Totally normal. I haven't read the comics

I'm pretty sure it was porn.

A lot of Americans fans take it pretty seriously as factual history, you have to admit.

To me it felt like it was spinning its wheels a bit. I thought the B was justified in that sense. But I agree the rest of the season looks great.

Hans is the character every fifth commenter here is asking about. The young South African agent who had a crush on Elizabeth last season who was seen twice in this episode giving the nod to Philip and Elizabeth to approach Dylan Baker's character.

My guess is that Pastor Tim has an agenda of some kind — not KGB; I'm not on that bandwagon — but something banal/naive and yet to be revealed, that will make Paige become disillusioned with him.

I think Philip's bad feeling was for real, but it was about the guy not surveillance. Yes, that guy is up to no good for sure.

Ok, and I thought he was dead. I really need to rewatch.

Was he not working with Philip and Elizabeth? I thought he was giving them the all-clear.

That confused me because it looked like the South African guy from last season. To me, anyway.

I imagine we will find out that the KGB used this incident as a recruitment lever with Philip but that they did it by emotionally blackmailing him into thinking it was proof that he was an essentially violent person.