
Seems like he's not using that trick very well, then; otherwise why not materialize inside the truck instead of on the roof?

Yeah, but there's always been decent chemistry between the actors who play Rick and Michonne and there was absolutely no chemistry between Rick and the actor playing Jessie so it doesn't really matter. You knew from the start Jessie was fridge-bait.

This gets brought up in the comments after almost every episode.

Yeah. There should be an emotional payoff. That's what writing is about.

This is something the show has always been weird about. Dropping characters completely out of episodes that don't directly concern them even when something shocking happened to them the week before or when they are in the middle of a crisis. It's one of the things that destroys the show's momentum, the fact that the

Actually, the Puritans were theological liberals.

A lot of metaphorical people might face metaphorical persecution and that is troubling in a very real sense.

I said it didn't excuse the cops' actions.

I live in the rural South. No, it isn't really considered normal to open the door wearing a towel. No shirt is sort of acceptable. No pants? Not ok.

But if he is guilty then he is not as unintelligent or bumbling as he makes himself appear, and he is also extremely dangerous. Which might be attributes that were more apparent to the cops throughout than the documentary made them out to be to us, the viewers. Which doesn't excuse the cops' actions but would make

I got the impression that whatever happened was worse than what Avery said happened. I also felt that whatever happened or didn't happen with the woman he threatened with the gun was also glossed over. The show seemed to take it too much at face value that she was making things up about him.

Everyone knows the expression "fiddling while Rome burns." Almost everyone knows that the fiddling is historically attributed to Nero.

They went out of their way to show us that she really, really loves that baby. I'm confused about these "baby-eating" comments. She is all about that baby now.

I thought we were supposed to think it was Tyrell. I thought it sounded like his accent. I also thought it was odd that no one in Fsociety was wondering who did it.

Also interior decoration as witness that godawful room.

Haha — it's just a sweater. One without buttons. A sweater with buttons is a cardigan.

Although I don't think Tyrell and Elliot were the same person up to this point it's entirely possible that Tyrell is now dead and will re-emerge as a Mr Robot-like aspect of Elliot. If Season 2 opens with it being Tyrell at the door I will assume that's what has happened.

Tyrell pulled off the hack and is the person wearing the mask in that last Fsociety video. It's Tyrell Price is referring to at the end when he tells Whiterose "We know who did it." Elliot was with Tyrell when Mrs Tyrell last saw Tyrell three days before. Which is why she is on her guard with Elliot from the start and

In the scene in the bar, when Mr Robot had an appletini, that was textbook hallucination blocking. That was the scene where I became convinced that not only was Mr Robot a hallucination but that we were supposed to know it. Mr Robot has a drink; Elliot doesn't. Even though they are both sitting at the bar. The

But we're not seeing through Elliot's eyes. Elliot talks to us — Elliot gets mad at us for knowing more than he knows. We may be an "imaginary friend" of Elliot's but, the way the show is constructed, we aren't inside Elliot's head.