
Fsociety had to start more than a month ago. Elliot was in charge of the operation, as Mr Robot, when the show started. I guess what triggered the events of the show was the Steel Mountain plan, when Elliot realized he would have to kill innocent people. He had to invent Mr Robot to allow himself to contemplate going

Colby is what someone who works for E Corp might realistically be like. Wellick is a gothic character, someone who actually enjoys working for Evil Corp. The show crosses back and forth between genres in an interesting way.

They explained the honeypot. Elliot didn't remove the hack (code, infection, whatever) from the one server that was initially hacked by fsociety because the hack intrigued him. Which makes sense now that we know that it was Elliot himself who did the initial hacking. Gideon did some investigating, discovered that that

That's kind of an absurd insult. There were literally dozens of comments saying that Mr Robot was obviously not real and almost as many saying he was probably a hallucination of Elliot's dad right from the first episode of the show. This was, indeed, an obvious twist. I'll go further and say that Tyrell's arc was also

They don't sound similar at all.

Yes, and they definitely have trouble understanding each other in The Bridge. Not to mention Tyrell and his wife just sound really, really different from each other, IMO.

Comment on a later episode if you want to talk to people who are current.

A lot of Tyrell's lines sound like lines from Hannibal.

Commenting isn't a contest. I'm reading this five months after the fact laughing my head off at these "trophy" references.

In the Hawley/Coen universe, tragedy is what happens when people either consciously or unconsciously pursue theory over the business of being human and doing your daily, humdrum human duties. We all have to die; we all have to contend in some way with the mystery of our existence, but choosing a "big picture" —

She decided to have sex with Pete after she went "all rampage-focused."

Peter's character makes no sense in the AMC version.

Laura goes from burning a cake to cooking meals for large numbers of people in the blink of an eye. Maybe she was watching cooking shows while she was mooning around the house.

PBS cuts its British shows too, though. I stopped watching series I liked on Mystery because just enough is cut out of each episode to make the solution of the mystery seem implausible.

In British it's common to say "I could murder" something you really want. But not murder FOR it. "I could murder an ice cream cone" is what a British George would say.

People with English accents don't say "Mattie" when they mean "Maddy." You aren't making any sense.

It's not. It's really not easy to burn a cake if you're standing right there.

Everyone was very good but Patrick Wilson was flawless. If only one person from the show can get an Emmy it should be him.

So Hanzee ends up with the kind of position and life that Milligan was expecting to have. That makes thematic sense, even if Hanzee's transformation does not make visual sense in any way, shape, or form.

He was Peggy's victim. Lou was trying to ground Peggy in the reality of the narrative she was telling.