
We all have things in our life (aliens) that are beyond our comprehension and control. And we are all part of a chain of events (Gerhardt/KC feud) that preceded us and that we are victims of. But there's a part of that chain of events that we can take responsibility for (hitting Rye with the car), and unless we do

I thought there was too much explaining in this episode. Peggy's speech in Lou's car could have been gotten across in one line — "You wouldn't understand because you're a man." Adam Arkin's speech to Milligan was unnecessary; everything he said was conveyed visually anyway. The one speech that added something to the

Why did Juliana say that she didn't believe in the resistance anymore when she found out Joe was a Nazi? She was standing right next to two members of the resistance. She had given the last film to one of those two members, not Joe. It made zero sense.

Yeah, it was the bad pacing of this show as a whole that obscured the fact that the man in the high castle was Hitler. During the approach to Hitler's lair I was wondering why so much time was being spent on shots of it. Of course, it was to establish that this was the "high castle." But there have been so many

Sweet. I knew it.

I'm assuming Blake's father is Smith. Are we not supposed to assume that?

Wegener sounds Danish to me. I keep meaning to look him up and forgetting, but I don't think he sounds Swedish.

I guess the point may have been that you can disagree with someone's views without impugning their motives. It's "the ads" who benefit from everyone thinking the other side is Team Evil.

The conversations between Dev and Brian felt like a stand-up routine divided between two people. A stand-up routine performed for high school students on "Family Heritage Day" in 1985, maybe. So far I'm not getting what is supposed to be so groundbreaking about this show; it seems full of clichés to me.

He did that annoying "cutesy drawl" thing a couple of times in this episode. It seems to be almost a nervous tic with him.

This episode humanized PC Principal and seemed to endorse the idea of PC in theory, but the last couple of episodes also humanized Candidate Garrison and Caitlyn Jenner and made them out to be heroes, at least in a mock-heroic sense. So I think "Is the show saying [PC Principal] is as awful as these two?" is not the

And whether or not he cares about them it's hard for the audience to care about them because the show hasn't done enough to make us care about Joe.

I thought the Childan/Kasourans encounter was so badly done character-wise that it must have only been in there to serve the plot further down the line. I suppose the business of them only bringing up taboo subjects like "Negro music" may be explained later (otherwise it makes no sense) but what the episode did with

If it represents anything it's more likely to be "a manifestation of the unexplainable." Some people, like Hank, are obsessed with it (makes sense with his beloved daughter dying). Some people like Peggy are totally unconcerned with it. It also works well in the context of this era as a manifestation of the

Peggy doesn't care enough about UFOs to include one in her narrative. She never mentioned the one from before.

Agreed, Cardinio. I'm not getting the fascination with Peggy here. She isn't interested in the saucer because she has zero imagination concerning anything outside herself. If she escapes this season unscathed (which is totally plausible) it will be because her imperviousness to reality makes her invulnerable. Which I,

Then you missed out on a big point of this episode, which was that every time Lou made a decision to re-engage in what was happening in South Dakota he was missing a chance to see Betsy for what might be the last time.

So, if you had thought it was Martin Freeman's voice during the episode and then found out it was another actor would that have ruined it for you? How can Martin Freeman have such a huge impact on you if you don't even recognize his voice?

I think both Peggy and Ed are delusionally self-centered. Innocent monsters is what they are.

His first POV look at the UFO was pretty clear, I thought.