
I'd say it sounds like a description of a whole bunch of bodies dead at a motel for no reason. That was a completely senseless massacre — lol at everyone wanting something more senseless to happen.

Officer Meow Meow Fuzzyface, it was not a rehashing of anything. It was an opinion. I understand that you disagree with it. You have told me "fucking enough already." Can you please stop attributing motives to me that I just don't have?

It may be lame — that's for you to decide, but it's not a lazy comment. I thought about it. In fact, I think I put more thought into that comment than you put into this retort.

The reviewer says "There's no damage to her memory or her other faculties" about Mary. She's in a wheelchair — there's some damage to some of her faculties, one presumes.

It was the same ending as last season except even more cheerful.

We will never find out what's happening with Kevin's father or Australia, no matter how many seasons this show gets. That has "big, enticing possible reason for why all the possibly supernatural stuff on this show happens — that never gets explained" written all over it. It's a way to pretend there's an internal show

Rufus Sewell is always good.

We humble people masturbate very gently, don't worry for my safety.

I am chiming in as a commenter. Is that allowed?

The bartender instigated everything.

I think the point of Chekov's anything is that emphasis is not brought to it. It's supposed to be just noticeable enough that it doesn't seem to come out of the blue when it's used later.

At the house and also at the jail.

Yes, I think so. Lou spelled it out for him, didn't he?

He's not quite up to the calibre of the rest of them, but he has his moments. And he wasn't the worst; the woman playing his daughter was weaker, IMO.

The last interaction Hanzee had with Dodd was right after Bear told Hanzee that he saw him as a member of the family. Dodd interrupted, furious that Bear would even talk to "his" man. Hanzee appeared to follow Dodd's orders in that scene but apparently things were building up inside him.

I don't know why, but I was expecting Hanzee to kill Dodd. I'll have to go back and rewatch the previous Hanzee episode to figure out what sparked that feeling, but as soon as he walked into the cabin I knew it was Dodd he was going to kill.

Ed is not sane either. At the beginning of the episode Peggy is babbling about self-actualization and Ed is babbling about his "plan." They are both nuts.

Yeah, I don't know where the surprise is coming from. I've always taken her seriously as an actor.

The way he whispered "Yes" when Ed said "Did you stab him?"

There was an argument about those phone calls here last week. I was on the winning side of it. I am not ashamed to admit that I am proud of that. I am humble like that.