
What an amazing hour and a half of tv this was.

Hi, thanks for the warning. I didn't read past it.

Meg's pathology was obviously already there if she needed to go to the bathroom to snort coke during lunch — twice.

beema, I'm on record here as having said that before and I will risk being stoned by the people here to say again: Yes. The music choices on this show are wincingly hackneyed, obvious, and unoriginal.

She wanted to make sure what happens on the bridge will be visible to the people in the camp. When Matt recognized her she had a conversation with him in the hopes that he wouldn't get suspicious of her being there.

Meg said "I can do this for real" to Tommy, remember? She has power over people, apparently.

She said she saw what happened and that one minute they were driving along in a car and the next minute "Poof, they disappeared."

Save me.

And yet, the Wolf killed — no one.

Frankly, I'd rather get killed by Morgan's wolf than listen to Carol's warped little morality/ghost stories day after day. The two of them are solid characters made insufferable by hack writing.

Carol and Morgan are currently flip sides of a false dichotomy. "Kill everyone, trust no one" vs "Kill no one, don't protect yourself." I guess they are supposed to symbolize the war within Rick's conscience — will it be Carol or Morgan who becomes Rick's spiritual guide? But the dichotomy is, as I said, false, so

Wolves are psychotic, chaotic killers who think nothing of killing people because they apparently believe that death "frees" them. Morgan's Wolf gets three guns, kills no one, and takes a hostage. In an episode in which very little made sense that was one of the things that made the least sense.

I thought he had a dickish vibe from the very first scene he was in. If anything I find him slightly more sympathetic now.

That was a pretty famous episode though, wasn't it? The meth lady?

That guy was in every show coming out of Britain for at least five years. ED That was a total brain blip on my part; thought you meant Gorman.

It reminded me of the way everyone would periodically turn against Buffy.

Were they setting Trish up at the end for a dark arc in the next season? The voiceover was talking about not knowing when you're starting down a path to the dark side and Trish was avidly looking at the IGH stuff. It looked a little ominous to me. Like maybe Trish will try to superhero herself with drugs or something?

So did they just drop the whole Luke thing? They didn't even let us know if Luke was really into Jessica or if he was just being mind-controlled by Kilgrave. I guess they are leaving it open because they don't know yet how much to integrate these characters into each others' series? If these Marvel shows keep fiddling

I think they both unravelled because of introducing characters and subplots that are "going to come up later." I guess it's good fan service but it doesn't work for me.

I was over that by this point. The only way to stop unnecessary deaths is to kill the guy.