
I can't find the version they played at the end anywhere.

So I'm thinking that WAS supposed to seem like a plot hole with Hank last week? Perhaps a UFO thing?

What am I chopped liver?

I think he already knows. I think that's why Ed called Milligan. Dodd must have told him to.

The guy with the orange glasses made it clear that it hadn't been Hanzee calling before. ED to add that of course Ed would have gotten both of those numbers out of Dodd.

Who else would it be?

OP is probably assuming, as I was, that Ed was also the one calling Bear, before Hanzee called. Now, how Ed would get either of their numbers I don't know.

Yeah, it seemed like once it got brought up the floodgates opened.

I just doubt it because they seemed to make a thing of not showing it. But that could be playing on our jaded expectations, I guess. I hope she is dead; I felt a sick sense of darkness after that scene that I'd been waiting to feel.

I thought her performance was a little one-note, tbh.

Wasn't he not there for that scene?

I don't think Ed has ever been "good." I think he's been as crazy as Peggy. But if he broke bad it was when he ground Rye up in the meat grinder, I think.

The tower just really shouldn't have fallen in that direction.

There's something uncanny valley about Chris Hardwick, to me.

Mean Girl was crying. It was pretty terrible.

It is NOT the same thing. You can't see the difference between "message" and "theme"? But actually Much Loved is more correct anyway, that the reviewer is talking about the "point" in a plot sense more than in the season-as-a-whole sense that theme would refer to.

Oh dear Lord would this Negan just show up already so every third comment wouldn't be a little sniggering "hint" about it.

Just to clarify, I meant her actions to him over the course of the show, not in that scene. IIRC she was totally done with him by then, and the show had totally villainized him by that point, but there were earlier scenes where she couldn't seem to let him go.

I don't know any English teachers who think art is supposed to have a message. We've all had it dinned into our heads since the (Victorian,btw) days of Oscar Wilde that art does not contain a message. He's talking about a thesis or a theme, and yes art does have to have that. Good art requires the viewer to

It's the hole in the prison wall all over again.