
Judith has been guessed above.

Dude, you obviously have one little theory of art that you understand and think is the right one. Pre-structuralism is fine in context. Modernism is fine in context. Post-modernism is fine in context, although I'm kind of bored with it right now. You're the guy who thinks people who like Altman movies are "idiots." I

Yes, that was the problem. It wasn't a cliff-hanger; it was a failed fake-out.

A layered critique!

It sure looked that way, but there must have been a dumpster around or something.

That would be a messed up to say. Good thing I didn't say it.

Yeah, they made her actions toward Shane seem teasing, which was why I said "semi-raped." It was just not well done.

They didn't show any is the thing. So it came across as quite contrived.

You aren't "starting to think" this. You say this every week.

When we last saw Dave, his face was being chewed off. I call BS that he was so intact when Glenn found him.

That is one of the less messed up things Carol has said to that kid. I think his state at this moment is in large part attributable to her interactions with him. I'm curious as to how that will play out.

I think she sort of provoked Shane into semi-raping her that one time, didn't she? That whole situation was all kinds of clumsy-writing wrong and offensive.

Damn, are you wavering already?

What kind of interactions did they have in Alexandria? I don't remember any, but maybe I'm forgetting something.

Oh God.

Well I haven't read the comic.

The storyline for this half season was contained in four episodes. Three of those episodes were decent (I'm saying that assuming that next week's episode will be decent). This is now a pretty entrenched pattern.

He has the right given to him by writers who need to slow him down for an episode.

Hahaha — this will be talked about until the show goes off the air. People still complain about Lori.

Carl's hardly been in this season, though. I have a feeling someone else will get killed by mistake. Maybe the mom? Wait, it'll have to be someone who Carol cares about enough to make her rethink that statement about how killing makes you not a monster.