
They don't have to show the character going to the hospital at all, though. Whereas, "No hospitals" necessitates a Macgyvered surgery that we will have to sit through.

If there's an elevator music version of your classical music option you should consider another one.

We are.

When you say "our dancers" do you mean Hong Kong dancers?

There was no actual sexuality being "celebrated" in this episode. It wasn't just that Craig and Tweak weren't really gay it was that the grownups' idea of homosexuality was completely divorced from reality. They were celebrating the fact that two of their kids were the object of fan art. Reality has been killed; South

I can't tell if you're saying that this stuff is Japan's way of dealing with what it did during the Rape of Nanking or if you're saying that there is something essentially rapey about the Japanese.

Why would my head explode? I think it handles its number of characters pretty well. I can't really tell what you're saying, tbh.

They were making fun of consent issues being forced onto two presexual kids.

No, girls fetishize it here all the time. Seriously, all the time.

You're saying girls are objectifying gay guys with this yaoi stuff. That's obviously the case, but preteen/young teen girls have always done that. I don't think there's a conspiracy behind it. Although I agree with you that a lot of what looks like social messaging probably has more to do with marketing dollars than

That is what sentimentality is. And the episode was making fun of it.

I thought this comment made sense!

I love it. I want JEng to comment everywhere.

Nice PC shutdown.

I — is that what you do with braised pigeons?

Natalie Imbruglia was where I totally lost it.

I will always be in recovery from that episode.

Parker is good but no way could he sound that much like Peter Gabriel.

It's extremely good satire because it isn't overtly insulting at all. If you're on board with what the episode is mocking you're going to come away feeling praised.

I don't see the need to get right/left about it or be so insulting but I also saw this episode completely differently from the reviewer.