
If you're talking disturbing go "Child of God" or go home.

I don't know about Pynchon but Joyce and Faulkner both discussed literature and philosophy in ordinary language. When a writer uses a ton of literary jargon in interviews it makes me less interested in reading his books.

Slap a spoiler warning on it and I'll skip right over it, greaseball.

This is why I get irritated when people complain about a show having "too many characters." That was the big complaint about TDS2 (at first, before everyone accepted that everything about it sucked) and it's a common complaint about The Walking Dead. If a show feels like it has too many characters that's the fault of

That is the basic plot of most noir dramas, though.

Doesn't seem to matter what people know about the Gerhardts. The whole town is afraid of them.

Couldn't it also mean that he saw such an evil clusterfuck of a situation that he was forced to accept something about human nature? That was the impression I got from that line, don't know why.

Bear is a human being. Dodd and Ohanzee are not.

A thousand upvotes for a Pretender mention.

Well, yeah. The pivotal line from Molly in the movie is revealed to be something her dad used to say. I thought that was kind of cool.

Have to say I was always taught never even to point a toy gun right at someone's face. Just because it's such a big gun safety rule.

Nice seeing you two get shout-outs in the video review.

The one thing he tried to be dishonest about was his reason for not pursuing the Skip angle. He went from being pathetic to seeming scummy when he tried to convince Lou he didn't see any reason to question Skip further.

I'm guessing Hanzee will be the one to crush Dodd.

True, but I think she's also just naturally like that and it makes Lou even more admirable that he fell in love with a woman like that.

I hate to say it because I like him a lot but that hasn't been the only scene where I've been kind of scratching my head wondering if there is supposed to be something about Dodd that Burn Notice dude just isn't selling.

That is what Floyd was telling him but that's the kind of foreshadowing a show like this would do. And they have gone to some lengths to make him look like Hanzee. It could turn out to be something everyone knows about but Bear.

His right hand was messed-up looking when he was out on the porch later.

They don't tell Dodd to his face because Dodd is crazy. The only thing holding his brutality in check is respect for his family tradition and family tradition says he should be charge at this point. If Floyd directly challenged him he would kill her. So she has to play him. That was the impression I got from the

The point of the essay is that human existence is a Sisyphean task. It wouldn't just be one character who represented Sisyphus; it would refer to everything all the characters are engaging in.