
Yeah, I think we're supposed to have the idea that Daryl is more converted to what Alexandria represents than Rick is. He wants to keep recruiting people and Rick doesn't. But why that would translate to him giving up on Rick's plan I don't know.

Yeah, Glenn deserves better than fucking Lori.

Yeah, I think Noah's was quicker. That scene tonight seemed to go on forever and the guy's face went through a lot of emotions.

The guy dying on the fence — that was the worst death scene they've done yet, wasn't it? Am I just getting soft? Because I was like "Whoa."

It means they know people are going to say he's been seen on the set and they are trying to cover for that.

Let's see if Maggie remembers who Glenn was next episode.

Right, I meant that it wouldn't make sense for the show to kill him off in this way and also cut away before his actual death.

It didn't look like pain to me; it looked like horror.

I thought that was so out of character for Daryl, that whole pulling away thing.

I think it would be cheap as hell too, but I don't see how it could be Glenn. Why have him go out that way? It makes no sense for him to be the only character we don't actually see die.

I don't think you can watch your own insides being pulled out with quite that much attention. I think that was a fake-out. But I don't know why.

Um…Butters got KILLED by the cyberbullying. It was making fun of people exposing themselves online in a way they would never do in real life and then wanting to pretend to themselves that people don't react online in the same asshole-ish way they would in real life.

Well — I'll admit that I actually did imdb him.

I know where you're coming from and I agree with you but I think he had a point and I hope he doesn't stop commenting.

I think this season is more about families than individual big baddies.

Boss lady will get killed by Peggy. She knows too much about what Peggy's really like and Peggy is paranoid now.

I think she's a sociopathic narcissist. She wants to move to Hollywood, remember?

I think she is genuinely screwed up — capable of being quite frightened for herself but not capable of empathy for anyone else. Certainly not capable of remorse.

I'm thinking boss lady thinks she's got Peggy all figured out. She will try to seduce her and be shocked to discover that Peggy is edgier and darker than she is. She will discover this as Peggy kills her.

People who aren't monsters of some kind or other don't keep driving with a human body actually on their car.