
I thought the boss lady was more commenting on how glibly Peggy lied about it.

If that ground up body gets sold as pork or beef I will reconsider what I think of Ed.

Actually a run-on sentence is a specific grammar/punctuation error. Two independent clauses with no coordinating conjunction. Also called a "fused sentence."

Hard to tell yet if those scenes are intentionally soap opera-like. I think they might be and therefore am giving the Gerhardts a chance.

I've just realized it's a little odd that Effie retweeted that question about why the episode was titled the way it was when she was the person the line came from in the first place.

I want to like Laurie but her character in therapist mode is exactly the same character she played (plays? is it still on?) on the godawful Private Practice. Also a psychiatrist. Who abandoned her child because she was traumatized and was trying to redeem herself. I can't tell if The Leftovers is aware that it's

I should have been more clear about what I meant. A movie that seems slightly absurdist and is poking fun at "the leisure class" should probably be including a lack of POCs in what it's poking fun at. Is what I meant.

I went and rewatched that scene where Effie tells Jason he can't do the stunt so Joseph Chastain wouldn't feel so lonely and Joseph Chastain is right; Effie does tell Jason she sees a tenuous path to doing it the way he wants. She says in a voiceover that she sees a way to do something close to what he wants. But I

I think at this point I disagree. I think that whatever Jason gets to do is probably something they could always have budgeted in. I think he knows that, and that is why he comes off as "entitled" to so many commenters. He's more interested in getting the movie right than in playing the reality tv game of pretend

Yes. I'm serious.

Don't forget he's doing it all on time on film, which was supposed to be impossible, according to Effie.

If he were being that unreasonable the movie would not be getting made. He would be sabotaging himself. He is not sabotaging himself; he does a good job on set.

Being competent on set makes up for everything else, if you ask me.

Oh please. For four episodes everyone was like "Pick a location! any location! What's wrong with you being so picky?" And the second they start filming it's "Oh we can't do that in this location."

People are mistaking Jason's determination for entitlement. I wouldn't want to work with these people.

The location is the only thing Jason has been difficult about. The film thing I'm not buying because he was getting mixed messages all over the place about that.

Jason compromised by working with Peter on that script. And he acknowledged that he learned a lot by working with Pete.

Well, actually Jason has done his job too, by those standards.

And yet no one told Jason this. No one looked at the script that he and a more experienced writer put together and said "This is great but we can't do the car flip."

Effie is one of those people you have to be passive aggressive around if you want to get anything done.