
She's doing a lot of dancing around, both verbal and physical in that thirty second scene. Her body language screams "I am not being up front about something here."

Why would "the leisure class" have any POCs at a wedding? Effie signed off on this script.

She never directly told Jason he couldn't use film, if you think about it.

She did say "I found a way to get it close to what you want." Jason looks a little taken aback; it's the first time he's hearing this. But she's saying it in a tone that implies they've discussed this before, that he knows he's not getting what he wants. I don't think this is the case. I think she screwed up, didn't

She's not emotional. She's dramatic.

She picks fights and makes drama to cover her ass when she has dropped the ball on something. All that "robbing Peter to pay Paul" was smoke-and-mirrors for her not having done due diligence on the stunt, for instance.

"His little stunt." That sums up Effie's whole attitude toward her director and the movie she's supposed to be working on.

She can't "have her director's back" as she claims to do every five minutes without being a good team player.

I'm reading these comments as I watch this episode and every time I glance up at the screen Jason is smiling, looking enthusiastic, and encouraging either an actor or crewperson. He hasn't had one freakout or meltdown. Effie, on the other hand, has been in the background sniping at literally everything.

He was told to fight for film. Ben and Matt could have said "Look, it's up to Effie; don't ask us about it." But they didn't . They said "You're the director. You have to fight for what you want. We love film. Film is great."

I wasn't buying the breakable objects in the house drama.

In Virginia, yeah. In Baltimore, not so much.

DC is the southernmost tip of the midAtlantic region.

We saw where she goes when Carl went out with her. She tests herself against her fears in various ways.

The wolf attack confirmed Enid's mistrust in Alexandria, civilization, and community. It's not like Lost's plotting.

Because she exemplifies the kind of person who might be drawn to the wolves.

The wolves seem to go all in. Like, the point of being a wolf is that you look the way they look and act the way they look. There's no point to being a wolf pretending to be a nonwolf, scouting out locations. If they did that kind of thing their whole MO would be different.

Yeah, but there was too much implication that as long as she had her son with her she wasn't too concerned about the rest of the Alexandrians. It may have been a rational move but it wasn't the move of someone who cared.

Look — what the hell would it matter at this point? Enid left at the end of this episode without turning on anyone in Alexandria. Let's say she comes back as a Wolf. Whether she was one all along or whether she joined up with them when she left would make no difference. If she was meant to be a secret Wolf it would

She never did feel safe there. That was the point of her jaunts out in the woods. She didn't want to get civilized and soft.