
It's going to increase the tension between Rick and Darryl about whether they should continue to recruit people.

The showed Carol watching the baby monitor to remind us of Judith's existence because that baby sleeps through anything.

I think she may go join the wolves now, but she was not with them up to this point. The show doesn't work like that.

I think it was just thematic. She may turn up later as some kind of horrible badass but for now she was just someone who saw her parents get zombified and ate a turtle and was kind of a bitch.

There was a group of us last season who were sure Enid was a scout for the Wolves but it doesn't look like it. I can't tell if they're setting her up for something later or if those bookends with her were just for arty purposes.

Disagree. Morgan disables people very effectively. This is a new kind of "conscience." It's tougher. It doesn't turn morality into a straw man the way the show has done up this point. I like it a lot.

Oh yeah, you have a point there.

In this episode he said that Wayne appeared to him after he found the baby in the restroom, right? I remember that scene as having been kind of choppy and manic. Like, he sees the baby and then he's in his truck/car with the baby. If it's how I remember it they could totally retcon a vision in there. But I might be

I don't. Nothing from last season was resolved.

Yeah well they can always show it to us from another angle.

Everyone thought Wayne was supposed to be full of shit last season, too. But apparently he wasn't. Lindelof doesn't do straightforward.

No, I don't think Tommy is supposed to be full of shit. I think it's going to be ambiguous like it was with Wayne. The reason he was drinking and irritated and generally out of sorts throughout the episode was that Laurie wasn't letting him "reveal" his new power and/or he was afraid of it. Nothing else explains the

One thing I liked a lot about this episode was that it seemed to be saying that where Laurie went wrong was in blaming the Guilty Remnant for all the negative things its members were feeling. She wants to think that their emptiness and lack of purpose was caused by the GR, but it clearly wasn't.

I had a religious upbringing and am still religious and I find the religious stuff on the show pretty juvenile. Just adding to your statistics.

Laurie jumping on the publisher was so over the top and unnecessary. The episode was pretty good up to that point, despite the Meg rape nonsense. Which was nonsense.

Are you kidding? They would have wanted the book twice as much after that.

I didn't think the episode was funny until the scene where the yelpers were all giving their little manifestos at once. I thought that was pretty hilarious, though.

Oh God, people who speak for the group are so annoying.

I was happy that Glenn seemed to get his mojo back in this episode. He was a badass and also likable. And then Maggie talked about him with Tara and the sun hit him in the face and he smiled and I said "Oh shit he's dead."

And yet it was still about 15 minutes too long.