
Are you saying we have to go through a whole NOTHER season of comic readers speculating about whether this Negan character will appear "this season"?

I fast forwarded through it, seriously.

Morgan's binoculars were kind of shit at enlarging things, did anyone else notice that?

Judging by Facebook posts, they should care about that kind of stuff a lot. A huge portion of the fan base watches the show with a real Halloween attitude.

They are rotting as slowly as Judith is growing.

I had a lot of trouble not seeing the zombies in this episode as actors. Except for a couple of them (the old lady was good) I felt like I could feel their excitement at being on the show and I could see them doing whatever zombie "act" they had decided on. I've always been sort of aware of that, but it seemed

I can see that interpretation. I thought he was using that "Come with us to Kenya" thing as a prelude to talking about Paige being "almost like an adult." He was trying to express concern about Paige but Philip cut him off. But you could be right. I don't really like Pastor Tim either but I think the show's idea of

He tried to have a talk with Philip about Paige just a few episodes ago.

It didn't hit her what lying about it would mean until she got home. Which is something Elizabeth should have realized would happen. They have done all this with Paige too fast.

Sorry but if a kid finds out a parent is having an affair or Dad's an alcoholic or whatever the kid has a perfect right to tell anyone they want to about it, and if they are well-adjusted kids with friends, they will tell them. Because what your parents do is as much your story as it is your parents' story.

The people Paige is "turning in" aren't her parents. She doesn't know these Russian spies. Philip and Elizabeth took her parents away when they gave her this information and also took away her ability to talk to anybody else honestly EVER AGAIN. Even her own brother. Only a sociopath wouldn't do what Paige did tonight.

Raising a kid from birth to be a spy may be reality-based, but are there any examples of illegals having kids purely as cover (itself a crazy idea) and then having to turn them into spies as teens?

They forced the information on her by the way they lived their lives. And they were in the process of recruiting her anyway!

There is no satisfying people who base their enjoyment of drama on identity politics.

It's a fairly stock character.

Why are you blaming the reviewer when that was obviously the analogy the show itself was making?

Wait but wouldn't that mean they're divorced now? Which would suck, wouldn't it?

People really were not jingoistic about anything to do with Vietnam. Not Republicans, not Democrats. They really weren't, not in 1979.

I was nine in 1979. I remember Pol Pot and Love Canal being talked about constantly. I don't remember people talking about Reagan until the election a little later. I never heard McCain's name mentioned.

I bet Manwiches will make an appearance at some point.