
A bit…shall we say…Coen brothersesque?

This show is not at all the same kind of show as The Americans. Its dialogue is not as realistic; it's not meant to be. Comparing them is kind of silly.

The Godfather was set when it was because that was when the events it describes took place. This season of Fargo is obviously supposed to be "about" 1979 as much as it is about the events it describes. There's a huge difference.

Do none of you guys remember the old phrase "pious ejaculation"?

I didn't think she came across as snotty. I thought she came across as someone who deals with this shit all the time, hence the bug spray and the stock of overly loaded Biblical anecdotes at the ready.

To me that was what made it funny that Rye didn't get it.

Meaning: "AGAIN I'm with a hot woman who won't sleep with me and for whom I'm now I'm now implicated in a murder?"

Yes, kind of like the cinematic and profound dreams movie and tv people always have.

That scene in the kitchen between Lou and Molly's mom after they talked about her dad coming over for dinner where Lou looked despairing for just a second and Molly's mom put her head on his shoulder for just a second was so touching. Decent people dealing with the big C. I love this show.

Then why keep introducing more and more mystery elements with every single episode?

Something about the Departure is brought up every five minutes on this show.

It IS presented as a mystery. Every week they either introduce or bring up some supernatural occurrence that seems to be connected to the Departure. There is no point having a show full of signs and symbols if they aren't supposed to point to or represent anything.

Women on the other hand find it really easy to accept that they are completely losing their minds.

They can't explain whether Patti is real or not without explaining something about what the Departure meant. And they have said they are not going to explain the Departure. So there is no point speculating about Patti. Or about Kevin's dad's voices.


Nora was always presented as really well off. Huge, elegant house, expensive clothes, etc.

But it's not going to stop people speculating about these things week after week. And, oddly, those same people will get mad at the "haters" for "expecting neat answers to everything." It's weird.

Yep. People are always fussing around making tea and coffee and then saying "Well, time to go!" as soon as it's put on the table.

Boy. Back to the old show, I guess. I forgot how tedious Kevin's constant anger and irritation were. Also the orange makeup.

I'm 90% sure we will never know if Patti or the voices are real or not.