
I know this can't be true. There were no interesting main characters.

"He made some good points" was the real shocker.

Ah…how did Fuck the Walking Dead end up, anyway? I stopped watching after the third or fourth episode.

Wow. If you haven't seen the episode yet that paragraph where it's casually mentioned that Carl gets his face ripped off is a bit of a stunner.

I agree with you but would add that this right here is a flaw in the show. It is too insecure in itself to be able to handle a little humor like that.

I know exactly what you mean, believe me. And I hate it too. I think if drama is "suggestive" in a way that's internally consistent then it isn't gimmicky. For example, Evie doesn't have to specifically represent Eve, but if she is "suggestive" of different archetypes of "primal womanhood" (sorry, that sounds awful

I never meant anything I said to come across as "concrete." As long as this season keeps making it clear that it is being suggestive rather than strictly allegorical (which Season 1 absolutely did not make clear) it should be fine.

I agree that the killing is getting too indiscriminate to be plausible logistically or psychologically. I still can't get over the garage murder of the Northrop guy. Not only would that have been impossible to plan with the crazy amount of things Philip and Elizabeth have on their plates, but I don't like how the show

When it comes down to it, it will be Elizabeth rather than Philip who does something to get between the KGB and Paige. That is my prediction. And it's communism Elizabeth worships, not Russia. She has shown no sentimentality whatsoever about her home.

I don't think she thought that at all. I think she was disappointed in Hans for messing up his timing and was sincerely cutting him loose. Her seeming lack of concern over Hans killing Todd was just kind of a flaw in the writing, I thought.

The lack of any connection between the Rezidentura and Zinaida IS weird. In fact, the disconnect between the Rezidentura and the rest of this season's plots is kind of a downer.

Hans is too eager and he wasn't upset by his first killing at all. He's not the kind of agent you want on your team.

I interpreted it as meaning that Stan was rude and she was confused by his rudeness.

But I also had SG's gut response that Martha is using this as emotional leverage. "Now that everything's out in the open Clarke will have no reason/excuse not to be the husband I want."

Claudia spoke to Paige in a diner the first time we saw her (Claudia). Philip was furious with her.

Ok but you realize that's a totally different thing from the superspy training stuff on this show, right?

It was something like the shirts but it was more kitcheny, I think.

I have never wished I watched The Americans while it was running more fervently than I did tonight. Mail Robot got recruited into the cause!

The cricket is like that thing that was bothering Garvey in season 1 that we never figured out the symbolism of and that I now can't remember.

Was I alone in not finding the opening sequence and its connection to Jarden that hard to understand? There's a natural force (earthquake) and something that is read as an omen (the hawk). If the hawk is an omen does it forecast the death of the people in the cave, or the birth of the baby? Is the snake an evil