
I thought it was more eerie than sad.

Also way more ironic. Which is cool.

Wow. I read the comments here first because I thought my dvr hadn't recorded the premiere and I didn't know whether to believe you guys. But now that I've watched it (my mistake, not dvr's) I have to say that this episode, from the opening titles on, made me wonder if I should reconsider my harsh judgment of season 1.

Did no one think it was incredibly odd that Philip said to Elizabeth "I think I'll go to Martha's tonight" like it was a spur of the moment decision and then showed up at Martha's with no fanfare other than "Hi! How's it going?" And Martha didn't act surprised to see him or reference an explanatory phone call or

Netflix has its flaws but user interface is definitely not one of them.

Oh man The Call Up would be so good on this show.

But all of those churches can have liberal pastors. Right now the Presbyterians, for instance, are either incredibly fundamentalist or incredibly liberal.

This is a church that equates — explicitly equates — "goodness" with "leftist political action". And a church where speeches about leftist politics are given before a freaking baptism! Also, everyone claps after singing a hymn as if the choir were a band. I'm thinking this is a nondenominational church that takes on

Just because they have a CIA consultant doesn't mean this show is true to life. There is no evidence that KGB had sexual training sessions for its officers, for example.

I guess people could argue about Augustine but there is no question Aquinas had more to add to the world of the intellect than EST.


In real life spies wouldn't do the range of things that Philip and Elizabeth do. You wouldn't be a honeypot, a judo expert, and the planner/coordinator of your missions.

No, Philip took one whiff and said "Afghani????"

"Wishing" was my jam.

The car didn't register with me too much because honestly that whole scenario is the most implausible thing The Americans has done, IMO.

Something that quietly bugs me is that it is completely implausible that parents would be so focused on one of their kids in this situation. If you have two kids and the KGB wants them you might talk about the older one slightly more than the younger one but you don't talk exclusively about the older one the way

We are cooler than we used to be with the idea of teenagers being hot. TO EACH OTHER.

It's seven months later and probably no one will see this but I have to say something here: Dude, the whole point of this kind of predation is that it makes the girl feel like she initiated everything.

They don't seem to have had any discussions with Jason where they tell him things like "Ok we really like this movie you wrote but you're going to have to change these people slightly because we have to shoot here in LA and we don't have that kind of house here." Everyone seems to be springing the limitations of the

? The Leisure Class? I thought the whole point was that Jason did write that.