
We have a discussion about why digital can work as well as film happening between two directors. It's the line producer who got out of her lane here.

When Jason turned out to have zero problems working with the writer guy whose name I can't remember and was actually fairly humble about how the writer guy was better at bringing out the humor in the script than he was I stopped believing in the villain edit he's getting.

The more someone talks about how much they have their shit together the less they have their shit together.


I think the look of the place matters a lot, actually. If the movie — which everyone signed off on — is about blue blooded aristo types it's going to feel really wrong to film the thing in an opulent, bourgeois mansion that screams "nouveau riche." The audience is going to wonder if the people are supposed to be fakes.

See, I thought that WAS the call to loop her in.

But Farrelly wasn't giving her advice. He was updating her on his progress with Jason.

Peter was the person most opposed to Jason at first. He changed his opinion about him, as did the writer guy (can't remember his name). He sees a talent there worth encouraging. Effie seems almost to enjoy finding Jason difficult and she encourages everyone else to find him difficult too. She is not a team player.

Effie heard "film" and didn't listen to anything Farrelly said after that.

He quit as a mentor. I don't think he's quit as EP. I think that's what Effie's partner is worried could happen next.

He was brought in as a mentor. He is trying to get Jason comfortable with doing what Effie wants Jason to do. Effie seems more interested in bringing Jason down a peg or two than she is in getting him to make a good movie. She is completely in the wrong here. BUT I wouldn't be surprised if the directions she's getting

Regardless of hierarchy it is just rude to put someone on speakerphone and start bitching about that person to another person in the room while that person is talking. And he barely got two words out before she started doing that.

Well, don't tell her that.

I'm starting to think that she's one of those people who puts all her energy into coming across as an efficient person and has none left over to actually be an efficient person. From what we saw of Jason's short film I could see that those locations she picked were totally off.

Wow. I don't get the hate for you on this, man. I think you're the one who's being nuanced. I have a feeling these two episodes are going somewhere and there may be a satisfying payoff, though. I don't think they would raise the subject of PC, their big bugbear, just to go soft on it.

I wouldn't call it crap but things haven't been the same since Stan "got older." They did warn us.

South Park tends to be a little watered down when it takes on real politicians and political rather than social issues. The episodes around the last election were just flat out ambivalent, if I remember rightly.

But they have never liked celebrity culture and have always bashed cult-of-personality type behavior.

Well, I imagine they aren't going to let people feel happy about Garrison fucking someone to death for too long. That isn't a very good political strategy.

I don't think that was a direct jab at Stephen Harper. In fact, I think that's why they called him a President and not a Prime Minister. It was supposed to be a Canadian Donald Trump.