
Kyle was prone to going along with the prevailing trendy ideology and Stan would be conflicted about it. It was usually Stan who ended up giving the speech at the end, after he reasoned things out.

He actually has been different since that episode.

When people don't want to be on reality shows they ask not to be filmed. It's pretty simple. You're buying what the Kardashians are selling if you think Jenner was being exploited on that show.

There were two visuals in Inland Empire that scared the bejeezus out of me and I couldn't begin to explain why.

I thought just the opposite, that it came out a little too late. It came across to the average viewer as a Modern Family that was trying way too hard.

Where does one watch Mr Robot? I keep seeing references to it but I don't know where to look for it.

This is what happens when writers think that "character development" is something that happens apart from the plot or the main action. You get some action scenes and some scenes where everyone stands around talking about shit. What you don't get is actual character development.


I'm sure it is but I think that was sort of Crewman's point. About junkies.

So much reality tv has happened since Project Greenlight last aired that I guess I've gotten jaded about things like that. The tension about the script seemed totally manufactured to me. Matt and Ben telling Jason he should fight for shooting on film also seemed…suspicious. And now this whole "Omg we have to start

Ugh, not that last thing. The possessive of Jennings is either Jennings's or Jennings' — either one is acceptable.

There are lots of adjectives like this. One that springs to mind is "byzantine".

Maybe this could ironically mean that Colbert is being more authentic and not planning his "spontaneous" conversations out ahead of time with his guests the way most other talk show hosts apparently do?

But British sitcoms have traditionally had the worst laugh tracks ever. They are like parodies of laugh tracks.

Also Dennis the Shaman's extreme sports calendar model wife.

It sure made Travis's later concern for Susan seem even less plausible.

Agree. Good point about characters trying to come across as smartasses.

But people in that neighborhood did know and speak to each other. That was established in the first two episodes. The fact that none of these neighbors are even considering reaching out to each other makes no sense. Either the characters are in complete denial, and are thus knocking on each others' doors, trying to

That was supposed to be funny, right? It's so hard to tell on this show.

To be fair, how can you sip whiskey and make hard philosophical choices in the middle of a zombie attack without coming off like a misplaced Bergman character?