
I am one of those people who thinks TWD should have some humor in it, but when Travis made that remark about dealing with two wives I changed my mind. Humor can make you cringe for the characters but it shouldn't make you wince for the writers.

Then it would have been funnier if it was Daniel emptying the trash.

The problem with the pilot-turning explanation is that the pilot would have had to die from some cause or other before that could happen. And if a zombie was on the plane the person would also have had to die and turn during the flight. It's possible that a really sick person was on the flight and died, but it's hard

But a riot that big would not have been that easy to drive out of.

I've honestly never seen that argument used except as a straw man to beat critics of TWD over the head with. But maybe we hang out in different joints.

Hey, give the zombies a break. They're still figuring out how all this works.

We saw Daniel's wife saying a rosary. That'll be as religious as things get, I imagine.

Yeah, I commented after the last episode that a lot of the weirdness of this show is due to its lack of a Bible. Nothing is going to be explained; it's just going to be chaos, riots out of nowhere, mean military people being jerks for no reason, etc.

It's possible to be a compassionate person without being utterly clueless to the point of being a danger to other people, but in the unsubtle world of TWD "basic morality" = stupidity.

No, they made a big deal out of Alicia's boyfriend having a bite, remember?

Even Atticus Finch knew to shoot a rabid dog, after all.

These characters do think that bites spread the infection. Which makes Travis's reactions even more absurd.

People also forget trash day all the time, without zombie attacks to distract them. It was a silly scene.

It's happening right off the bat but the characters are assuming you have to be either bitten or infected by blood contact. But this is a good point. Are our characters going to stand out because they alone have seen an unbitten person come back from the dead? Will that play into the plot somehow? It should, because

And with the shop next door, separated only by a wall, being ON FIRE.

It was one of the only effective things in that crop circle aliens movie by Shamalamadingdong.

That is not people's biggest gripe. People's biggest gripe is that the writers have the characters tell each other who they are and why they are doing things rather than letting the characters show these things through action. Not necessarily zombie-killing action, just by doing things. As it is, the show is action

Pauses after "dialogue" is really a defining trait of TWD franchise, isn't it?

That was the kind of show I was hoping this would be. Freakish incidents occurring, people being in denial about or actively covering the incidents up. It would have been both more real and more spooky.

One of the reasons it was so good was the way it made use of its location. Everything was so realistic-looking; it was awesome. And I know people complain about filming in Georgia but I'll take real-looking woods over disguised Vancouver any day.