
I'm so bothered by that reporter. I can make everything hang together thematically as a dark satire in which Vinci stands for the flawed, crooked world where what looks good is bad and what is honest about being bad is good. Where "truth" is contingent upon relationships and love. But then there's that damn reporter.

I was also super-annoyed at that turn-off. But I don't think Frank and Ray died because they were bad guys at heart. I think they died because they were good guys. Being a good guy on this show came down to facing your flaws, not being able to pretend enough to be a bad guy. Frank was not a good bad guy. He couldn't

It's all about whether or not you tell kids the truth. Or, to use the language of the show, it's all about the "story" you tell them. Ray, Frank, Paul, and Chad were all told warped, fucked-up stories about who they were — as men, as sons. Jordan and Ani will tell Ray's son a good story, one presumes.

What I should say is "Yeah, you can."

Yeah you do. I did.

I was like "Oh, ok, there's the incest that's been heavily foreshadowed throughout this season. Better late than never. Ho hum."

He was paralyzed by the memory of his dream. It was a ridiculous mixture of symbolism and naturalism that did not work. It really, really didn't work.

It was Thomas Hardy-ish. Straight out of Jude the Obscure or Tess of the D'Urbervilles.

Pizz thought giving one woman knife skills was all it would take.

I think she was actually getting morning sickness but it was well-timed.

True, true.

Vaping is the bomb. I give not one shit that people think it's uncool. Cancerless nicotine is cool by me.

I think Vaughn and Pizz are friends in real life? It's possible that Vaughn got too caught up in Pizz's idea of the part to make it his own.

It needed to be played by someone older. His relationship with Ray was avuncular. Vaughan was just not able to pull that off.

I disagree with the reviewer and a lot of commenters that Vaughan's acting was fine when Frank stopped being stiff. I thought Vaughan got better and was good at portraying warmth but I never believed he was a gangster. I don't think it was his fault. I think his dialogue was not just stilted but anachronistic. He was

I didn't think he could have.

There's a drinking game…

There are good guys among us but they are "well disguised". They aren't the people society rewards.

They were leaving Frank in the desert to die. When Frank asked for a lift they decided to rub it in by taking his clothes too.

I didn't know what to think of it. I think we were supposed to think it was a loving thing to do, but I just can't see it that way. To me it was not about Chad but about Ray. Ray had basically said goodbye to Chad twice already. There was no reason to do it again. I think it was a weak plot device, I guess. One we've