
Oh God the redditors have been babbling about Caspere's assistant from day one. I'm afraid to go look over there; they may have all died of smugness.

It's so great watching these big-name actors doing this kind of humor. I feel like I can see them all as the high school theatre geeks they began as. Bradley Cooper is so awesomely invested in his part — I love it.

Rudd so owns that song in that scene.

It was perfect. Only a hair more unrealistic than it is in most crime/detective shows.

Yes, I guess so. I think her transition was a little rushed.

Made them easy to track because apparently blue diamonds are Very Rare.

Oh, I don't think there will be much there there. I'm just speculating about why Nic (English Professor) P would shoehorn all this mythology/Santa Muerte stuff in.

I know I've hammered on this before but when the kid said that Ray looked anxiously at the observer and the observer started scribbling. They needed to have a conversation about the model and it was impossible to discuss it honestly with someone writing down what they were saying.

I lost it when he reached for the pull-up bar.

I'm not "blaming" Pizzolatto here. I don't think it's a big deal if he got the effects of molly right or not. I think it would be odd if a bunch of guys would be willing to pay for $2000 hookers if all of those hookers were forcibly given a drug that made them whoozy, stumbly, and unresponsive.

I don't think Frank was lying to Ray. I think Frank was used just as much as he thought he was using Ray. I have a feeling a cop told Frank that whoever got killed was the rapist.

So many people would be involved in setting those parties up. Caterers, cleaners, security, etc. It would be Hollywood plausible if this were a string of small secret parties, maybe. But parties at which every single important businessman and politician in the area attends? With dozens, maybe 100 girls? There is no

Who told Frank who the supposed rapist was? Why wouldn't Frank tell Ray who told him? Why was Ray ok with Frank not telling him?

Playing down the depiction is fine; I thought the quote meant playing down the sexual element as a whole. Thinking of Dolarhyde's character and what happens later I think the sexual element either has to be central or it has to completely not there. I was fine with how this episode depicted it, but the review worried

You're not alone, Becca.

I'm gearing up for The Leftovers as we speak.

They always say that. And they always hold out hope for a "miniseries in the future" which is basically the tv equivalent of the puppy's gone to a nice farm.

He was HaF in The English Patient. Also adorable in Oscar and Lucinda which is worth seeing if you haven't.

There's nothing aesthetically wrong with him but women find him unaccountably repellent. I remember something about his features being so "perfect" that it's actually off-putting. He has no vitality or confidence; all his movements are studied, and he wears a dental contraption that he's self-conscious about.

I would never have guessed Armitage was that tall. I'm so used to actors (male and female) turning out to be tiny.