
I heard that wrong, I guess. You're right that that makes more sense to say.

If you have a problem with organized religion you are going to have a problem with whatever Pastor Tim does. I think the show is playing with those sensibilities a bit.

I think he's supposed to be a legit gangster.

I don't think Arkady feels coldly toward toward Nina at all. He said he cares for her. He let Oleg know that he knows something's going on between them and he didn't seem to mind. Arkady is just trying to help Nina in his way.

"Was your dad hard on you?" was setting us up to think of the guy as a creep. But he didn't follow through. Instead of trying to drive a wedge between Paige and her parents he just said "Being a parent is hard." And also, why wouldn't it be the ethical thing to do to ask Paige about her dad after what happened in the

Oleg was sacrificing his relationship with Nina to help her get away. Stan never did that. I was very touched by that scene and I thought Nina was too.

They've put a little too much makeup on him too, though. I too think he's harmless but they've certainly made him look a bit sinisterly clownish.

He's doing what he can, though, I think.

Arkady totally did that to protect Nina! He and Oleg are both trying to protect her, but Oleg doesn't think Arkady's plan is going to work.

Oleg had nothing to do with that beating — that's Arkady's bailiwick. And Nina knows that. I think the reviewers read that wrong.

Preacher's hair said lefty youth ministry to me.

Season 1 showed Elizabeth doing things like whipping up brownies to bring to the new neighbors. I got more of an impression of them as perfect school parents than I'm getting from this season.

That whole thing was off-book, remember? Stan didn't want to be involved in it until Amador got killed. I'm not sure why Gaad is content to let Stan feel so guilty about this when clearly it would have been worse if he had killed Arkady as Gaad had planned to do.

Saying "You respect Jesus more than US" would sound unbelievably petty to someone who was even just dabbling in Christianity.

The guy would have given the money back. He wasn't a swindler.

What I got from that was that Philip saw he was telling the truth and felt frustrated and defeated as a result. If the preacher had just been a hypocrite it would have been easier.

It was Stan who wanted to take Arkady alive, so they could get info on Amador. Gaad was against that idea.

Seems like it would have made more sense to just tape whatever it was they were saying before Gaad interrupted.

That does actually happen all the time, in my experience — your kid being upset about something that is coincidentally troubling you. But I agree that it felt more thirtysomething than The Americans.

What was awkward was the way they just sat there letting him go on and on. No matter how morally conflicted you are, as a parent if your kid starts talking like that you jump in right away and affirm that he's a good person. It's just human nature.