
As with season one there is such a disconnect between the visuals and the writing on this show. The actors, even Vince Vaughan, are good enough to say so much more with their faces than their lines allow them to say. And the directors and cinematographers give them the scope to do that. I think this disconnect was the

Antigone's UNCLE drives her to suicide. Antigone's father just accidentally killed his dad and screwed his mother.

I think it's a mistake on the part of the writers, and a really bad one.

And yet somehow no stigma attached itself to Regan.

He's basically Lloyd Bridges in Airplane.

I remember the exact episode when it turned out that Rust Cohle couldn't have been in Alaska or on Mars or wherever the hell the conspiracy theorists were conjecturing him to have been and it was so funny watching all the recappers and commenters quietly taking Chthulu off the table the next day.

I thought for a second it was A3 too.

I'm thinking Vince is the father of Ray's son. But that's just how I roll.

Also they were trying to have a kid without success for a long time before that happened.

I'm a big Cohen fan too but using him or Dylan or even Tom Waits for the opening credits of a show like this makes the song seem too obviously a statement about the show rather than part of the show. I think.

A religious "institute" being involved is a pretty strong link too.

Kind of like Will Ferrell in A Deadly Adoption?


I agree, but I thought the Vince Vaughan in both scenes with Colin Farrell came across as someone who knew exactly what he was doing and had a bit of experience and depth to him. I'm putting down the thinness of his character in the "boardroom" scenes to bad writing.

I got it, Rabbit Troop. I thought it was funny.

That scene was beyond ridiculous. The "Meryl Streep" line was another clunker.

The only thing that is potentially worrying me is the business dealings stuff. Something so prosaic in a show like this is going to have a hard time not being clichéd to the point of being really boring. I hope they aren't going to spend too much time on it.

I knew I knew him but couldn't place him without the curly hair. Thanks.

'I welcome judgment" — even my teenage kids both said "Wtf?" out loud at that.

A guy who names his daughters Athena and Antigone would maybe know that Athena is not the goddess of love.