
I absolutely knew he would be, though.

Yeah, but then you could say that was Shea's fault for not doing a damn thing Tyrion told her to do to keep herself out of sight and safe. Ed to respell with Martin's bs spelling: Shae.

I remember from the minute Sansa got to Winterfell — before anything even happened to her there — almost everyone here was speculating that Brienne would botch rescuing Sansa by going after Stannis. I think the show wanted us to go "OH NO!" when Brienne turned away just before Sansa lit her candle in the window, but I

I totally thought someone was coming up behind Brienne. I want Stannis to be dead but I don't think it's overthinking to question that scene. There was just no reason, plotwise or themewise, for them to cut away like that.

What I remember is Theon looking at Sansa like he knew what he was doing and Sansa looking back at him like she trusted him. I didn't really see grim suicide thoughts on their faces.

I thought that too until he was a jerk to Jon at Aemon's funeral. Then I realized he didn't actually have much respect for the traditions of the Night's Watch and was just an asshole.

When people are shamed they aren't capable of feeling grief or true repentance. The response to shame is visceral and doesn't vary from person to person — it is to throw up all the defense mechanisms in one's psychic armory. Cersei made it through that walk by focusing her attention on the Red Keep, not by accepting

There just isn't any indication on the show that Melisandre is playing as big a game as a lot of commenters seem to think she is. Last week it was all about how she started the fires herself — she didn't. I think she has shown herself to be perceptive and to think quickly, which was why she pivoted to Jon Snow and the

I would be surprised if he is alive, too, but I wonder if it's a case of the showrunners really not being sure right now if it's ok to kill him off? I haven't read the books so I don't know but that seemed so tentative to me. Why not show Brienne's satisfaction, or lack thereof, even for a second? That was an

If Tyrion believed her I believe her.

I didn't feel much sympathy for Cersei either but I do think we were meant to. I thought the reason for the length of the walk was to see her getting psychologically broken down into real anguish (which, despite Lena Headey's awesome acting, I didn't buy. I don't think Cersei is capable of that much depth and would

She's already redone her story. She had to go from thinking of herself as the rightful ruler of Westeros to accepting her role as Khaleesi. Now she seems to be right back at that point.

Honestly, I don't think she's the only character in that position at the end of this season. When I think about how the show will go forward next season I don't think any of the big actions that occurred this season moved any of the characters much past where they were at season's opening. Cersei hates everyone except

That's a good point.

The way the shots of him alternated between him seeming to be distressed and seeming just to be ornery and tired was very confusing. I think he would have more distressed if he were in danger of dying or anything, though.

Especially if your mom is kind of a brat.

I think that ending was really badly handled considering the showrunners would have known there would be more speculation about how Jon Snow will "survive" than there would be reaction to his being dead. If they intend him to be really dead that should not have been the last shot of the episode. If they don't — and

Oh — I see what you mean. Got it.

If he isn't still alive we should have gotten a shot of his death and lifeless body. Seeing the powerful and mighty reduced to lifeless forms, and seeing the effect of the killing on the killer's face is one of the big tropes of GoT — it seems strange to me to deny that for Stannis. If he's still alive I'm going to

I thought it had everything to do with what happened with Myrcella because the way Ellaria submitted clearly telegraphed that she didn't really intend to submit and she was sad about it because she loves Doran. I knew Myrcella was toast from that point on.