
It was stylized like The Outsiders but in a different way. Great soundtrack. I loved it then, still like it now.

Hannibal is more Mickey Rourke in Rumblefish.

That didn't work for me tonight. I thought it was a little cutesy.

Even in a show as unrealistic as this one there was no way she would just be wandering around Europe with Will.

Well this is awkward.

Tywin took all the sunshine out of King's Landing when he left.

WAS that a cold open? I don't remember it that way, but you could be right.

I don't know. If they hadn't wanted us to suspect anything they could have had him still wearing those battle gloves. They sure did seem to emphasize that bare skin.

Next scene: Davos and Melissandre in front of remains of pyre.

I've been weirdly afraid all season that Gilly's not going to make it through.

Show has been sacrificing character consistency for special moments way too much this season.

In the game of thrones what does "not safe" mean besides "in danger of horrific torture and/or death"?

Foreshadowing her death and developing Stannis's reasons for doing it are not the same thing.

The confusion was over whether or not Cersei was meant to find it titillating, IIRC. (I kind of don't want to R at all, though).

There is a big difference between getting something out of a dramatic work and identifying with the characters as if they were real people. In fact, I would go so far as to say you can't do the former thing if you're doing the latter thing.

Do you think her hiding Needle, Jaqen flat out saying to her she would never be "no one", and his conversation with the other rookie where she said "She's not ready" and Jaquen said "Whatever — I don't really care, Many-Faced-God, etc" were meant to signal what you have just said?

I hope you're right, but we'll see. I'll give you a quarter if he does anything about it. A commenter pays her debts.

After what she's been through I don't buy that. Girl? Yes. Horny teenager? Not so much.

Yeah. I don't trust Ellaria.

Every time Daario is around Dany she seems really diminished to me. Like a petty little soap opera maven, in fact.